Check biodata details hidden in NADRA CNIC ID Card Number
cnic number bio data 13 digits in CNIC number shows different hidden information. These are not only numbers these numbers shows specific information. It is very easy to know about person by seeing his CNIC number. In this informative article I will discuss about hidden information in CNIC number. Many people do not know about hidden information regarding CNIC to check cnic number details online
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National Identity Card (NIC) is one of the citizens of Pakistan. The state is a combination of state-of-the-art technology and well-established business rules to guarantee its integrity and integrity. Nadra give you unique 13-digit identification number has been recognized across the country. This is because they need to be taken out, NTN, bank account, documents like passport, cellular connection property buy and vehicle verification etc. Every citizen 18 years of age or older is eligible for NIC.
How to check bio data details hidden in nadra cnic id card number?
id card 1st Digit:
- If CNIC number starts from 3 then holder of CNIC belongs to Punjab.
- 1 for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- 2 for FATA
- 3 for Punjab
- 4 for Sindh
- 5 for Balochistan
- 6 for Islamabad
- 7 for Gilgit Baltistan
2nd Digit Of id card:
- If second number of CNIC number is 8 then holder of CNIC belongs to 8th division of Punjab.
- 8th division of Punjab is Sargodha. 2nd number of CNIC number of citizens of Sargodha divisions will be 8.If second number of CNIC number is 4 then holder of CNIC belongs to 4th division of Punjab. 4th division of Punjab is Gujranwala.
3rd Digit:
If 2 is the 3rd number in CNIC number it shows khushab district in Sargodha division.
4th Digit:
In case of CNIC of khushab. 4th digit is 0 it means khushab is tehsil and also district. Tehsil and district are same in this case.
- Fifth digit in CNIC number represents union council.
Next Seven Digits:
- Next seven digits represents family number. Family numbers are unique for every family. Middle code is same for all family members. Family tree is also determined by this family code.
Last Digit:
Last digit in CNIC number are from 1 to 9.
Odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ) shows male.
Even numbers (2, 4, 6 , 8 ) shows female.