How To Verify Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR) Active Taxpayer Status In Pakistan

Those the all people which are currently living in the Pakistan country and if these all people have any kind of earning source is available then this action is very necessary and important to make up the registration in the Federal Board of Revenue department. When any person which is the citizen of Pakistan country get up the registration in the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), then this citizen will become or known as to be filer in the record of Federal Board of Revenue Department. If a citizen filer has sufficient amount of earning that this citizen filer is in to be any type of Taxpayer Board due to the arrangement of the tax, then that citizen filer will be known as the taxpayer.

The question is that what is the simple and best way to any person recognize the fact that this person is to be in the list of taxpayer or not in the list. If any person in all over the Pakistan can easily and simply view and check the current position in the list of taxpaye. Actually, active taxpayer list is a basic record of those filers who are elect again the earning tax through the service of online for the past tax year. This facility of check the current position is reachable in the Federal Board of Revenue, any person from all over the Pakistan can easily and simply view out this status on the personal website of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

If any citizen of the Pakistan country is want to view their current position about the active taxpayer in the Federal Board of Revenue record then those person can easily and simply view their current status with the support of the given below methods.

Plan About Active Taxpayer List Current Status

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has announced the list of all Active Taxpayers from all over the Pakistan on the each economic year which is started on the date of 1st March and this list will be end up or up to the upcoming economic year of the 28 or 29 February. As you take sample, the present year list of the Active Taxpayers was to be announced by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on the date of 1st March 2022 and this will be end up to the upcoming economic year 28 February 2023. And then again Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in the next economic year starting on 1st March 2023 will announce the fresh list of the active Taxpayers on their official website page. Active Taxpayer List is making latest each Monday of every week on the website of Federal Board of (FBR).

Techniques For View the Active Taxpayer List

If any taxpayer from all over the Pakistan is want to view the current position of their active taxpayer then he use the three ways which are given below:

Verification With The Online Channel

Any person who is wanting to view their current position on the list of active taxpayers then that’s person can easily view their current status through the online facility. First of all you you do the work is that you visit the personal website of the Federal Board of (FBR). When you open the Federal Board of Revenue website then you provide your ID Card Number or NTN Number in which you not give the dash. When you will enter the ID Card Number or NTN Number on Federal Board of Revenue website then you do the next step is to click the option of verify.

When you will click on the verify button then in the reply, the Federal Board of Revenue department will inform you the current position about the taxpayer whether this is in the active position or this is not in active position.

For the purpose of checking the double if the given details are right or wrong, you also view if the provided name is your own or not yourself.

Review Status Of Active Taxpayer By SMS Service

If you are want to view your own current position of active taxpayer through the facility of text message then you follow the given below process:

This method of checking the current status is very simple. You will be send a text message with the help of your mobile phone. For this purpose, you just required a number which is not be the harbor. You just simply write ATL then give space and write 7 figures National Tax Number (NTN) without the dash and after entering this message you send this message to the 9966 code.

If any person is not remember their own National Tax Number (NTN) then you are not take hesitation because there is another method is also available through you can also easily view your position of taxpayer and this method is National Identity Card Number.

In this SMS method, the Federal Board of Revenue will also send you confirmation messages in reply in which they will inform you about the current position of the taxpayer, if this is in the active position or not in the active position.

Review Out Status Of Azad Jammu Kashmir Active Taxpayer Through SMS Service

Those citizens of Pakistan which are currently living in the Azad Jammu Kashmir region and they are want to view their current position of taxpayer then for those people the procedure is also very easy for them. First of all they open the Message application and simply write AJKATL and give the space and then write their own National Identity Card Number without space and after this procedure they send this message to 9966 code. After the some time, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) will send you a confirmation message in which they will inform the current status about the active taxpayer.

Analysis Status Of Active Taxpayer Through Active Taxpayer List (ATL)

If the given above all kinds of way which are we explain in the upper section for the purpose of view the position of active taxpayer is not doing very well or the other thing is that you have desired to have a complete record about the whole list then we also share you another very easy and perfect solution. You can simply download the application of Active Taxpayer List on your own computer or on the laptop with the help of personal website of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). You simply visit the website page of Federal Board of Revenue and on this page you click on the link of download which is available on this page, you will very quickly receive the Active Taxpayer List application along the an Excel Sheet.

When you download the ATL application then you can very easily view your own status about the active taxpayer through the ATL application which is downloaded you with the help of providing the National Tax Number or National Identity Card Number and you can look out the current status of active taxpayer.

In the year of 2015, the very perfect working department of Pakistan Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR) bring out the very useful and helpful facility of a mobile text message service 9966 for their all customers in all over the Pakistan for the purpose of declared the current position about the Federal Board Revenue (FBR) active taxpayer on the Active Taxpayer List (ATL). Basically, Federal Board Revenue (FBR) was presented this SMS service facility for the purpose to wipe out the all kinds of frustrations which are faced by their taxpayers and deprival representatives in the those kinds of places which are out of the way.

If you are want to check out the real proof about the current position of Federal Board Revenue (FBR) Active Taxpayers with the great service of Text Message Federal Board Revenue (FBR) the current position proof of the file person then you are do the given below steps to complete this task:

1.First step is to you open the application of SMS on your mobile phone.

2.After opening the SMS application then you write the ATL in write message option then give the space and then write your 13 figures ID Card Number in it.

3.When you write this message then send this message to the 9966 code.

For Example:

If you are want to view your current position in Federal Board Revenue (FBR) record then you simply send a text message to 9966 code along the as given SMS, write ATL ID Card Number in writing message option and through this way you can easily view what is the current position. After sending the message, Federal Board of Revenue will send you a confirmation message to you:

This advantage of SMS application can also be promoted to catch out the current position of the file or non file of the taxpayers with the support of Active Taxpayers List (ATL). If the facility of the internet connection is not available in your city where you are currently living, and the other thing is that no other confirmation of presence as a filer is permitted.

Methods Of Verification For Online Active Taxpayer

Review Status Of Province Sindh Active Taxpayer

  • You visit the given below link for the process of Active Taxpayer proof:
  • First you choose the parameter of the search from the drop down menu bar.
  • If you are choose the SNTN, then you write this similar to this sample:0003456-4
  • In the later time, if you are think to make alternation into the your information about your enrollment then you will have to hand over formally an simple application to the office of SRB or through the service of online system to the portal of Sindh Taxpayer.
  • The all process for doing this task is very similar for the others three provinces but the website for all provinces is not similar. That is the main difference between them.

Review Status For Punjab Province Active Taxpayer

For the purpose of checking the current position of Punjab province Active Taxpayer, you visit the given below link for this task:

Review Status For Balochistan Province Active Taxpayer

For the purpose of checking the current position of Balochistan province Active Taxpayer, you visit the given below link for this task:

Review Status For KPK Province Active Taxpayer

For the purpose of checking the current position of Khyber Pakhtun Kha province Active Taxpayer, you visit the given below link for this task:

Benefits Of Including As An Active Taxpayer

If you are adding in the list of Active Taxpayer of the Federal Board Revenue (FBR) then this department provide many advantages to their all customers which are few given below:

  • The all kinds of Banks in all over the Pakistan will take off the very small amount of taxes when you take out the money from bank account and also banks will take off less amount of taxes on your profit.
  • When you are doing the registration of your vehicle and you are want to make the transfer then you will deduct small amount of tax.
  • At the time, when you are perform the transactions of the property matters then you will also deduct small amount of tax.
  • You will also deduct very small tax on those profits which you are earning through the sales of securities.
  • You will also deduct very small amounts of tax on the allowance.
  • You will also deduct very small amounts of tax when you are get the any kind of lottery for example prize bonds.
  • You will also receive the overpaid tax payback.

So, we are give you the better and best suggestion that you view your current status of taxpayer throughout the which source that is looking very preferable and prominent for you. If any of person is added to list of active taxpayer in the Pakistan country then this person will definitely give their own part in the progress of Pakistan. The contribution of all the active taxpayers from all over the Pakistan is very useful and helpful for the all people of Pakistan.

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