I.COM subjects, marks

I.COM is the study program which studied at intermediate level and it has a lot of scope in present time which was increases with time to time. I.COM stands for intermediate commerce which was studied after matriculation. If you, do it continuously like I.COM, B.COM and M.COM then you will be skillful in this field and can do their own business in a best way. If a student has interest in business, then they should study commerce subjects but a lot of students don’t know the subjects of I.COM, its marks and its scope  we will discuss in detail in this article.


In this article, we will give you information about I.COM subjects, its marks, scope and its complete detail which will be very helpful for commerce student at intermediate level.

Here we will explain about I.COM

• I.COM subjects part 1

• I.COM subjects part 2

• Eligibility

• Marks

• Carrier and Scope

• Competitor programs of I.COM

• Further studied program after I.COM

• Conclusion

Now we start the detail of these points, you read it and get information



I.COM subjects

I.COM has two years study which was studied at intermediate level. It has two parts- Part 1 and part 2. In both parts different subjects was studied which list is given below.

  • I.COM part 1 subjects
  • I.COM part 2 subjects

Detail was given below


I.COM Part 1 Subjects

List of I.COM part 1 subjects was given below

  1. English 
  2. Urdu
  3. Islamic Education
  4. Principle of Accounting
  5. Principle of Commerce
  6. Principle of Economics
  7. Business Mathematics

These seven subjects were studied in I.COM part 1.


I.COM Part 2 Subjects

Here we give you a list of I.COM part 2 subjects like as

  1. English
  2. Urdu
  3. Pak study
  4. Principle of Accounting
  5. Banking/ Computer study
  6. Commercial Geography
  7. Statistics

These seven subjects were studied in I.COM part 2. Each year was 7th subjects was studied.


Eligibility of I.COM

To get admission in I.COM you must have 10 years education like matriculation degree or O-Level or any equivalent degree. After successfully passing matriculation, you can get admission in I.COM in any private and govt collage. I.COM subjects were studied in two languages in Pakistan which are English and Urdu, but I recommended you to read English course which will be beneficial for you in future and in further study.


Marks of I.COM

Here we will tell you a detail about I.COM marks in two years which list was given below


I.COM marks Part 1 and Part 2



Part 1

Part 2










Islamic Education




Principal of




Principal of




Principal of Commerce




Business Mathematics




Pak study




Commercial Geography




Banking/ Computer














Carrier and Scope

I.COM has further study at bachelor and master level like B.COM, M.COM or MBA. If you do B.COM after I.COM then you can get reasonable job like junior clerk, Banker, assistant and personal secretary in private and govt sector. But if you do Master in Commerce related study to I.COM or MBA then you can start their own business because at master level in commerce there is complete study about business categories so you will be knowledgeable to understand the business ups and downs and can run their own business. 


Competitors program of I.COM

At intermediate level there are some other study programs which you can select according their choice which has different benefits. These programs are given below

1.I.COM vs FA

I.COM is much better than because FA is related to Arts subjects and I.COM is related to commerce subjects. Those students who want to start their job after I.COM like banking and teaching and many others such students I.COM program is much better than FA.


2.I.COM vs D.COM

Both programs are same but I.COM has more subjects related business field so you can get more skills in I.COM than D.COM.


3.I.COM vs FSC

FSC is related to science subject which has more scope in future and can get a professionalized degree after FSC. But you can do it if you do matric in science not in arts, rather than you can do i.COM if you do matric in arts or science.


4.I.COM vs ICS

ICS has many benefits because its study is mostly related to computer science which has a lot of scope in present days. But the problem is ICS subjects are some difficult like as FSC because its mathematics was same as FSC pre-engineering. In simple these programs I.COM and ICS are much related to each other, remaining is your choice.

We write a complete article related to ICS, you must read it and get information.


Link of ICS subjects


Further studied program after I.COM

After doing I.COM you can select any programs at bachelor level which was given below.

  1. B.COM
  2. B.COM IT
  3. BBA
  4. BA
  5. LLB
  6. CA
  7. CMA

This list was given for the help of students who don’t know the further study program after I.COM. But I recommended you to select B.COM after I.COM because these subjects of I.COM and B.COM was mostly same which will be helpful for you in future.



In this article, we give you complete detail about i.COM subjects, marks, scope and further all detail related to I.COM. hope so this article will be very beneficial for our beloved students at intermediate level. For any query or you need extra guidance please visit our website, leave a comment in comment box, or contact us on our Email address given below

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