Different tips to get sale or order on Fiverr


In this article we will give you information that how you can easily do sale on fiverr or increase their or order on fiverr, but before to start this topic we want to tell what is fiver, how it generates and what its benefits. how to get orders on fiverr.

Fiverr: Fiver is a digital market place which introduced in February 2010 by Israeli. it was introduced for the facility of general public. Agents provide their services on fiverr and can earn money easily by sitting home anywhere. Fiverr provides a facility to freelancer to provides their services digital, do their work and improve their living standards. Basically, Fiverr is a place where your sale their skill, so improve your gigs and get benefits.

Meany peoples are working on fiverr but not successful and worried because they have no any ideas or techniques to get orders on fiver. So, in this article we will give you many techniques to improve their sale and get order on fiverr. To get this information and want to know new techniques of fiverr sale read this article and get benefit.

Fiverr Gigs= Fiver gigs is a service which you provide on Fiverr and it provides your service detail to buyer.

In this article we will explain to get order on fiver by following these steps

1. Make a plan

2. Make profile professional

3. Create an attractive website

4. show reviews

5. Use Instagram account

6. Description about Gigs

7. Give free or more offers

8. Upload videos and images on Gigs

9. Give money back guarantee

10. Always stay active

11. Quick service

12. Quora market 

13. Do promotion

14. Genuine tips

15. Rank your gigs

16. Conclusion


How to get orders on fiverr

Now we start our topic with detail given as

1.Make a plan

The first and most important thing to get more sale on Fiver you should need to make a plan that which services are you provided. You should make your gigs on one and unique topic. If your sale on different gigs it will be flop idea. So, sale your services in unique topics.


2.Make profile professional

Make your profile which looks professional and attractive. In description and about me option write himself/herself not your service. Like my name is Misbah, I am graphic designer, web designer, or freelancer with 3 to 5 years’ experience and our services are 100% satisfied or any other description which looks professional and attractive.


3. Make an attractive website

Make a site is a great way to show your brand in a better and unique way. Two ways to make website

First make website using coding skills like HTML, JAVASCRIPT or CSS, which looks much attractive and manageable.

Second make your website using word press which don’t need any codding skills and easy method.


4.Show reviews

When you give services on fiverr, try to give in best ways and after that must take their reviews about their services and the most important thing show these reviews on their website in comment box or in description. It will give you positive response from your customers side and increase you order.


5.Use Instagram account

To increase their sale or to increase their order on fiverr you should make an Instagram account. To use Instagram, have two ways

First make a new account resemble with fiverr account and do advertise their services and attach reviews their users. 

Second use your personal Instagram account, it will provide your correct information to your viewers and increase your trust.

Use Instagram account to get order and increase their sale in fiverr is the best idea for your success.


6.Description about Gigs

Your gigs must be clearly described on your website and to the points. Gigs basically is skills which you provide to their users so it must be accurate and cleared. It will help their customers to understand their services. If you have more working accounts than you can give links in fiverr description like YouTube accounts, website, google drive or any other accounts.


7.Give free or more offers

Everyone likes to get services in free or cheapest rate. so, to get more orders and to attract their users give them more offers like buy one get one offers and some offers at cheapest rate.

For example, = give offer to pay payment for one AdSense account approval, I will approve your other account or any other offer or to give service in cheaper rate then their competitive. This will be very attractive point for your users and ultimately increase their sale. 


8.Upload videos and images your gigs

The most important thing to increase their sale add short videos of your gigs/services on fiver and related images.

If you himself/herself make this type of short videos of your gigs it will be best option but if you can’t do it you can hire a freelancer for this work. But trust me this option will be very helpful for you, if you can’t get an order from long times then this option will be very beneficial and your orders will be coming within a week.


9.Give money back guarantee

Give money back Guarantee is the best offer for customers and if you give this offer it will increase your sale 100%. You can show this offer through a badge. Make a badge of their gig money back guarantee and attach in their profile. I do this work and according my experience its very beneficial trick to increase their sale on fiverr.


10.Always stay active

On fiverr always try to stay active especially when you think customers will contact you. On fiver both online and offline options like Facebook, when customer try to contact you, you will be available and cat give details about their gigs and can get their orders. Your success depends on your activeness more time.


11.Quick service

Your services must be fast and on time. You should upload your gigs first in which you are skillful. In this way your orders will be increase and on time. Customers like this thing very much and it will increase your order on fiver.


12.Quora Market

Quora market is a best place to advertise your gig and take new orders. Go this website and give answer on your related gig with his/her website link. Do this process more and more understand, through you will fine many new customers and flourish their sales.


13.Do promotion your gigs

The most important think for success in every field is do promotion in different ways. So, to get success on fiverr, promote their gigs on social media like Facebook, whattsapp, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms. Promote on these platforms is free of cast and easy.

But promote on social media in this way, first make an URL link which many sites are offer now a days and attach some picture related their URL with write short statement and hatch tag (#) and upload. This way will secure your links and make a way to promote their gigs of fiverr in better way.   


14.Genuine tips 

Many times, your gigs are best and you give them in a best way but you continuously facing a problem. Then the basic reason is you serving your gigs where already have many sellers in millions those give their services from a long term and have better reviews. 

So, to increase their sale at beginners, add their gigs where sellers are in hundreds or thousand and try to minimum your related gigs, so that you can promote their gigs and get orders fast and increase their sale.


15.Rank your gigs

You should provide their gigs in simple ways so that every one can search your gigs and can get benefits because a common man doesn’t know the main course name and they searched in simple words.

For example, = you give services in web development, then this world will be known those who have some experience and knowledge instead people search “make a website”, “build website” or “how to create website”, then you should try to show their gigs in simplest words so that everyone can search and get benefits.

In this way fiverr will rank your gigs and boost up your sale.



Fiver is the best option to make your earning source in spare time or a side business. But many people working here but can’t success full, that’s why here we give you different methods and techniques to get success on fiverr.

The best method to get success on fiverr in all given above is to advertisement and your description about him/herself and about your gigs. If you follow these you will be successful on fiverr with in some days.

Please share this information with your family, friends and their loved ones so that they can get benefit from these techniques and can get success. If you face any query, or need extra guidance, visit our website comment a box in comment box more ever contact us on our email address given below.

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