How to earn money on youtube in Pakistan



There is a trend in China that most of the people living in China work two different businesses or part time jobs. Those who are having only one job, are assumed to be less capable.

With a little difference, this thing is practiced also in Pakistan.

Due to the current economic condition, people living in Pakistan try to increase there monthly income.


But the question arises where are the jobs?

Well kama in spite of  the increasing unemployment in every sector, there are many opportunities to earn a handsome amount of money, online. And the most popular and practiced way to earn money online, is by YouTube.


Many people in Pakistan earn

easily almost 400,000/-  rupees a month. It is up to your hard work. The harder you hard work, & the more money  you’ll make.

Olga Kay is a famous youtuber and her income exceeds $100,000/- per year.

Similarly in Pakistan many youtubers and even TV channels are  earning very handsome amount per month.


What do you Require to Start

To be a youtuber you need not to invest a lot of money like The other businesses. Just you need to have a good smartphone with HD camera result, headphone and microphone, good internet connection.  none of these things cost any large amount.


How to earn money on youtube in Pakistan

Many youtubers in Pakistan are earning very handsome amount from YouTube by running their channels.

Even on air TV channels e.g. GEO , ARY, SAMA and etc are earning from uploading there famous dramas and news videos online.


Olga Kay is a successful youtuber. She is earning more than $ 100,000/- per year.

It is up to you that how can you bring visitors for your videos.


Selecting a Topic to Make a Video on.


 selecting a topic to make video on, is very important. The topic of your video should be the center of interest of of the viewers.

So that is why you should be updated by the latest news issues and trends circulating in the time.

Video and voice quality of your video should be fine.

But before all that you should have to open a youtube channel.




  • 1. First of all sign in to your YouTube account using your gmail account. If you have not any Gmail account then create one. Create channel.
  • 2. after signing in to your YouTube account , select Creator Studio after selecting your account information in the top right.
  • 3.  From the left menu select Channel > Status and features.
  • Here you will have to Enable Monetization, Do remember that it is only available if your account is not Disabled for Monetization.
  • 4. And then Accept the Agreement
  • When you have enabled Monetization for your channel, you need for your channel to associate an AdSense account.
  • You will be paid if you have not made any violation.


  • This is very important stage
  • Youtube requires from a channel at least 1000 subscribers , and 4000 hours watch time within the period of last 12 months for monetization.
  • Within a week , your channel will be reviewed. 
  • You have to specify to Google ,the types of ads you want to run on you channel.



  1. Do not upload the content which are taken from Internet or they are copyrighted.
  2. Be sure of uploading your own videos.
  3.  Videos should be in accord with term of Service and Community Guidelines.

There are something you should  know if you want to earn money properly.


1. CPM is for the advertiser to pay the cost of a thousand ad impressions. 

  • On the holidays like Christmas and Eid CPM goes upward, so it is seasonal. 
  • Factors that affect CPM are Time,Gender and Content e.t.c and it starts from .50 cents to $10 for per thousand impressions.
  • The countries with English as Native language have better CPM then the  countries with the languages other than English.

2. RPM means Revenue per thousand views. YouTube shares 45% of the total amount of RPM produced by the channel.


  • eCPM is  your earning which is  divided by the monetized playbacks multiplied by 1000.
  • YouTube analytic is the best way to understand about the earning


 If you are running a YouTube channel then this is very important that what kind of the contents your channel should have? 

Well, a lot of options are available to you, namely

1. You can make your own videos, choosing an interesting topic like religion videos funny videos, videos of people which have recorded by chance. Informational video, educational videos with be help of experts. Video to guiding people in various daily routine work.  You can also cover latest circulating news. 

  • A new trend is to make 1 to 10 or top 10 list of , personalities, places, books and any other thing that can attract viewers.
  • Never choose to make video any controversial topic. This can create problems for your channel in future.
  • Never focus on the rapid increase in viewers of your contents. Make it sure that you have constant viewers of your channel.


YouTube pays you through CPI or Cost Per Impression. CPI increases when an ad is watched on your video.

Many things are involved in determining it.

Namely your channel’s target audience, and repute, the types of ads displayed on your video, ad prices, algorithms and other factors. Your earning will start when your Channel is associated with adsense Account and the monetization is enabled.

You can receive your money 

1. By (EFT) or Electronic Fund Transfer.

2. By Rapida

3. By Check

4. Wester Union Quick Caah

5. Wire transfer


If you want to earn without the help of adSense then affiliate marketing is an option



Here are some names which are scoring a lot of reputation and money from YouTube.

1. Shahmeer Abbas PrankStar

2. Irfan Jonejo

3 Taimoor Salahuddin (AKA Mooroo)

4. Kitchen with Amna

5 Raza Samo (AKA Awesomo Speaks)

6. Nadir Ali (P 4 Pakao)

So be prepared to be listed on top of this list.

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