How to cancel an order on Foodpanda?

In this Post we will share with you how to cancel order in food panda application.


FoodPanda Pakistan:

FoodPanda is an android application that brings food from different restaurants and hotels and delivers food to your doorstep. A variety of food items are listed on Foodpanda. The Head office of FoodPanda is located in Germany. FoodPanda is providing services in the large cities of Pakistan. People of Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Gujranwala, and jauharabad are enjoying the service of FoodPanda. FoodPanda has android and iOS applications. Using a FoodPanda is simple and easy.


Service of FoodPanda in different countries:

FoodPanda is providing services in more than 13 countries. 

  1. Thailand
  2. Pakistan
  3. Taiwan
  4. Singapore
  5. Romania
  6. Philippines
  7. Myanmar
  8. Malaysia
  9. Laos
  10. Hong Kong
  11. Cambodia
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Bangladesh



How to cancel an order?

Sometimes you have a low budget or are not satisfied with the order then you can cancel the FoodPanda order within the given time. If the restaurant has not started cooking then you can cancel your order otherwise not. 

If your restaurant has started cooking then you are not eligible for cancellation of the order. 

You can also cancel your order by calling on helpline number. Then the management of the call center will call a restaurant for cancellation of an order. But your order will be canceled if the restaurant has not started your order. 


How to order on Foodpanda?

FoodPanda has a mobile application. That offers a variety of food items. Placing an order on Foodpanda is quite easy. Currently, Foodpanda has collaboration with 27,095 restaurants all over the world. There is a partnership between FoodPanda and the restaurant. FoodPanda displays the dishes of restaurants. The payment method is simple. Cash on delivery option is available. You can also be made online payments by using a visa card. Users can also use the jazz Cash and Easy Paisa account. 


New Features:

  • The cuisine is also included in FoodPanda.
  • Fast delivery service.
  • The Live Chat option is also available. 
  • Types of Cuisine:
  • FoodPanda is providing services of all types of Cuisine including Pakistan, Indian, Chinese, Afghani, and Italian. 
  • FoodPanda is providing services in 28 cities of Pakistan. 

The motto of FoodPanda:

  • Fast
  • Simple
  • Convenient
  • Finding the nearest restaurants:
  • First of all, you need to open the FoodPanda application. Then enter the name of the city. FoodPanda will display a long list of restaurants and dishes according to your location. A search option is also available on the application. Users can easily search restaurants on Foodpanda. 
  • Different options are available on the Foodpanda application. Users can also search for cuisine. But a variety of cuisine depends upon country. Suppose cuisines of Indian will be available only in India. 


Processing of FoodPanda:

After confirmation of ok order. The restaurant has started preparing your order. After some time delivery boy of FoodPanda delivers food to your doorstep.


Refunding of payment:

FoodPanda allows a refund option in certain conditions.

If you received spilled food then you are eligible for a refund.

If something is a miss from your order then you are eligible for a refund.

When you received the wrong order from FoodPanda then you are eligible for a refund.

If you want to refund your money from FoodPanda then you need to open the FoodPanda application. Because Live Customer Care Service is available on the Foodpanda application. 


  • Then click on my profile option.
  • Then click on the help corner.
  • Then click on my order.
  • Then provide them information about your order.
  • If you will be eligible for a refund then you need to provide the following details.
  • Full Name
  • Bank Name
  • Account Number
  • Mobile Number
  • Or 
  • Credit Card number.
  • Refunding in credit cards is faster as compared to another method. 
  • You can also refund your payment by contacting on Official email of FoodPanda.

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