How to get the free ‘Chegg’ answer online?



At the end of 2019 in China, a pandemic named coronavirus or SARS(covaid-19) spread faster than any other disease. With time, this pandemic got worse and got out of control. It was a severe respiratory disorder that caused the death of many people. Latter on this disease spread all over the world. Until now this pandemic is still prevailing in the world. In many countries, this disease got out of control. So, as a result, every educational institute including schools colleges, and universities move towards an online study system. Physical classes are off in many countries. It is difficult to find a proper solution to homework in this time of the pandemic. 


Free Chegg Answers


Many students got worried about the current situation of the study. Many of them don’t have proper access to solution material. Many students are facing problems and difficulties regarding their studies in this online system. Even their teachers are not sufficient enough and not available most of the time. Moreover, this is a crucial time to built up themselves regarding their field and carrier.

But now we have an online app and website named Chegg to solve all the problems related to studies. It is a versatile app with many functions and features. It fulfills all the requirements of an average student regarding studies. Doesn’t matters if you have problems with a textbook question, a conceptual question, or anything else. You will get proper and complete answers there.

This app was introduced in California, America to help students to solve problems. This is an online ‘tutor’ website and app which helps students concerning their studies and solving problems with the latest technology resources, expert guides, and tutors, fast services for a long time. 

It is a great app and this provides students with hardcopy notes and textbooks, homework solutions, and also provides internships and scholarships.

You can find solutions to many subject problems related to 




-Math and stats

-social sciences






-And many other subjects and majors are also included in it.

This app hired a lot of experienced and educated teachers. You only have to do is to copy the question relating to studies either from a textbook or from your paper and then paste it to the website page of Chegg.

After this, you will get the proper answer from the teacher on the website only within 30 minutes. This is all the method to make work easy for a student.


Services provided by Chegg:

You can seek help from this app in the following manners. There are few advantages of using this app or they provide services in this way.


1-conquer your homework:

With the help of this app, a student can solve his homework easily. If there is a problem in understanding a topic. He can clear his concept related to that topic with help of an available teacher. He can solve the question and can also memorize this by clearing the concept. Get homework help for more than 89 subjects and a hundred to thousands of courses. 

Chegg will help you to cover your toughest assignments and topics of your class and study. This website has a step-by-step solution. Simple and easy steps to follow. The only thing you have to do is to concentrate on your question. With help of the teacher and website, a student can solve his homework and assignment. It also helps a person to improve his study skills, knowledge and also help to complete his projects. There are also millions of subjects and books are available on this website.

You can download many kinds of study notes and assignments from this website.

In short, a student can take help and also can improve his studies. A student can also solve a question in the test with the help of this website.


2-Experts available 24/7:

Another major advantage is that experts are available on this site for a full time no matter what time is you can call for help and he will serve you. So there are few steps to follow to solve the questions and problems.


-Take a clear and wide snap of relevant question 

-Then scan this shape and upload this on the website after almost 30 minutes less or more you will get answers from sources. in the end, you can solve your question with no effort and at the end can get the right answer. Even a college teacher can not provide.


-Find the answer you need now:

No matter how difficult the question is you can seek help from this and solve your question.

In the same manner, you can get assistance in your assignments and projects. You will be provided with the best professional guidance and that also motivates you. A student can consult his teacher anytime he wants and needs. Now I am going to explain this in examples

For example, my question is

Why is vitamin B12 called cyanocobalamin is important for health? And also discuss the diseases relating to this disorder?

Now to find the perfect answer to this question I have to type it or write it on the page then I take the snap of this page and send it to the website at the question box. My answer will be there within 30 minutes.

So in answer teacher will explain everything step-by-step so here we will get our answer.

Many questions relating to many subjects can easily be solved on this website with proper reasoning and cause. This is a proper app with a lot of features. 

This website contains the step-by-step solution of over 60 million solved homework.

You can easily download and save these samples from this website. Moreover, a student can get many creative ideas from this website and also can learn to imply these ideas.


4-learn with guided video explanation:

With all features mentioned above students on this website can also get assistance in form of videos if they have a problem with paperwork then you can watch videos related to that topic. This video contains all the material that is required for the relevant topic.  The most important feature of this website is that you can solve your test with the help of this website all you have to do is just take a clear snap and then upload this to the website page on the question section or question box then after an appropriate time you will get your answers there. 

Not a problem at all. No more tension to search all material relating to studies and topics. With an authentic source and by proper guidelines your topic will be evaluated. Again all you have to do is only take a snap and after 30 minutes it will be solved at the end. Under the supervision of a tutor, good grades. There is only one and major problem relate g to this website is that it is a paid website.

From business, accounting, chemistry, calculus, change study app will help you to solve any kind of problem relating to study and topics. It will help you to solve the questions of your homework.

There is a problem and also a little bit of tension relating to finance if you don’t acquire enough money to run your account on the website tutor app as Chegg’s help and assistance is not available free of cost.  You have to pay some amount in form of money to run your account uninterrupted and smooth. After you may pay your required money you will be able to find some assistance relating to studies on this app. It will costs you almost  $14.95 every month. At the end of one month, 

you have to pay this money to continue your account and to study without any interruptions and let you assign questions related to study to online tutors  24/7 continuous and uninterrupted, search millions of study answers, assignments, problems, numerical, and step-by-step assignment and test question’s solutions for almost more than 9000 books. In short, it contains more than sufficient material relating to a study on it either in solid form (printed form) or in soft form. A student can get many more benefits relating to studies from this app.

But don’t worry about that, here we have a whole topic to discuss how to get cahgg’s question for free or without any cost. This will be a beneficial topic relating to free online study.

We will tell you about the methods to unlock the changes questions and their answers online on its app and by using some alternate methods. After reading this you will get your answer to this website for free.

Let’s get started with all these methods and alternative sites use for this purpose. 

Hmm, it sounds interesting, isn’t it? Let’s get started without wasting any further time and talk about the real thing or real topic. It is for everyone and for everybody who wants to study without anycast.

First I am going to show the subscription list and minor details regarding the account on this app and the website

Product and services and package types

1.Chegg Study package and service type;

  • – 16.95 $/per month charges.month 
  • 2-Cheggg Math Solver package and services;
  • – 9.95 $/month charges 
  • 3-Cheggg Writing package and services
  • – 9.95 $/month charges
  • 4.Chegg Tutors 
  • – 48 $/month charges


5.Chegg tutors;

1.120 minutes of tutoring on Chegg may costs you up to 48 dollars per month

2. 240 minutes of tutoring can cast you up to -90 dollars per month with no extra charges

3.60 minutes of a tutor on Chegg will cost you about 30 dollars with no extra charges


How to Get Chegg Answers For Free


-Use of Cheng in countries:

After America, this website started working after being launched in India. This is also very successful in many ways. Now in India it also assists students in many languages including Tamil, Hindi, Bengali, and in order. With time it is developing in many ways and the future, it will evolve itself a lot.

Table of content for free charge online answers:

There are some methods we can apply to get free answers from Chegg. This includes some -methods

-and alternative websites for free answers 

So one after another we are going to discuss this topic point by point 

1.Free Chegg by using “Chegg free trails”: most important point to discuss

2.Free Chegg answers by using the Tech page 

3.Get a chegg answer on Reddit :

4; Get the Chegg premium account for free these are also the important points

5 .chegg discord services check:

6.Browse your answer across the web pages on google.

7.Free chagg answers by Istauch: 

8:slader website 


10.Final thoughts 


1.Free chegg by using a ” chegg free trails”

an alternate website is or this is not only a paid app and website but it is also free for newcomers? There is an option called a free trial is present in this app for new ones. But this is only for one time and for the first time when you start using the website. At one corner you can see a logo called free trial to try this app. There are few requirements to use this app and website for free.


  • -It should be your first time on chegg
  • -You have to sign in for free trails 
  • -It lasts for about 1 month or 30 days.
  • -After 1 month you have to pay 14 dollars to continue this app and account.
  • -Register your account after payment officially.

These are the requirements mentioned above for free trials. You will qualify for free trials if it’s your first time! So no other excuses. During this time of the month, you can easily get answers to your questions by using this app freely and frequently. Not only this if you want to rent a textbook you can easily get this but for one 1 month only. And like this many of the availabilities are also present.

Remember that if you want to rent some books or notes you have to pay first then you will get this so for further detail there is a link in the description that will help you to get more sufficient information relating to free study and many other things.

After you register your free account you can get answers to your questions. A simple method to follow to get the answer to the question 

  • -Take the snap of your question 
  • -Then scan it and copy and paste it into the question box.
  • – After submitting your shape and after 30 minutes you will get an answer to your question
  • -And if you have questions in text form then simply type them and paste them to the question box.
  • -Then after 30 minutes you will get an answer to your question.
  • This is all we get from free trials

2:Free chegg answers by using the tech page:

 If you want to get the free answers to your questions from chegg there is an alternative path or method to answer your question of interest to get answers from chegg for free of cost, All you have to do to

  • – Fill in your Chegg questions Link given or available on the website.
  • –  Email id in the Form site available below 

After you filled in all the required information and data regarding the form you will get the right answer after approximately 30 minutes or after half an hour. Without any trouble, you will get an answer to your question. Now there are steps to solve the question of your study and concept.

  • Search the Chang or go to Chegg site and then find the question you went to answer 
  • Search the question and simply copy the link to that question.
  • Fill the form given by the paper tech with all the be very information required. There are 2 main requirements for this process mentioned below.
  • -Fill the box with the chegg link
  • -Then put your email id in the other box.
  • Then this will leads to your answers


 At the end tap the submit button or site on submit button. This will leads to the processing of the questions.


You will finally get your Chegg answer in your email id or email account within 30 min for free of cost.


Get the chegg answer on Reddit:

Now after Chagg the best app and site to get the chagg answer is Reddit because it is the best in many ways. There are my reasons for that. First of all, it is a community service, and it is 100% legal. You can get your clear answer from chegg answer in only about 24 hours 

In this, you have to leave questions for about a day then you will get the answer right after a day. 

On Reddit community system works, many experts are present from many fields in this community They solve the question free of the cast within 24 hours. There are few steps to follow

1.Go to the Link named Chagg answer and visit and copy the question:

2.In the second step you need to join any community on Reddit.

3.share the Link in the group and try to share it by using Pastebin otherwise this link will be diminished and you will be a band by the community. And no one will let you in after that.

After a whole day, in the end, you will get an answer (after 24hours) then the solution will be ready.

Some of the groups and communities are not activated at this point so you have to join an active one to fulfill your purpose to get a chegg answer.

So this was all about getting answers from Reddit as an alternate method and route.



4.Get a Chegg premium account for a cheaper price or for free:

You can also try a free chegg premium account. This means you can use the chegg app for free without spending any money or wasting your time. All you have to do is to follow the simple easy steps and instructions given in this article. By using this method you can get your username and password to your account which will officially register. It will work smoothly and uninterrupted. This method works in real-time and many students have tried this method. This method works efficiently without any cost and is free of cast. You can get answers to all questions you want to,  by using this method. 

This method will save you money in the end and provide you with a free chagg account. So how to get this method done? In the following points and steps, we are going to discuss all the required steps. This method will work on both Android mobile and laptop as well. All you have to do is follow the instructions below.


Step No 1:  In the first step all you need to do is to go to the link for a free chegg account on your mobile or laptop. Directly go or visit ink named “Chegg free premium” from your mobile device and laptop and just go and click on the link and then go to the icon named and mentioned as “Start Creation”


Step No 2: Next step is to select the type of your device or support platform which means that your mobile is Android or iOS type. This will be easy to select.

Step No 3:After that go to the icon named “Load app” and then start to download any two apps which were given in the list. Then just download both of them. At the same time or both at the same time. Now open these two apps and use these for only 30 seconds or more after that. 

One thing you must keep in mind is to register your account first before you download these apps. If you didn’t do so this will not work at all so must follow the exact instructions given in this article.


Step No 4: Once your work is done the following procedure mentioned above is the return and revisits the site where you can get the free  Chegg premium account details completely. Then after this, you only have to log in July account ith details on it example given:



 After putting that instruction in the box. You will finally get the premium free of cast. In the end, you will be congratulated for the account registry on your premium subscription without any cost and then you will register your account.



 6.Check Chegg discord services and package:

Unlike the procedure to get an answer to a question on Reddit (involve the community setup and procedure), the Discord website offers more than one server to get the free chagg answer. Discord is a gaming app that provides streaming to the game and also much stuff related to the games. But it also provides you with other facilities too.

Maen you can get free chegg answer by using this app appropriately. Only a few people know about this information that these servers also help you in your studies.

It is more advantageous to use discord web as compared to the Reddit community which provides answers relating to your question. Discord has a wide network as compared to Reddit. There is a reason because Discord has more than 4000+ members active in this community. Students can join more than one server and the community at a time so he got a better chance to get his answer on time.

This is not only it on discord you can get more than one answer at a time.

It’s up to you which answer you are going to select. You can get a variety of answers and each one would be right. You can select the best one. So usage of Discord services is my top and most recommended to the students even more than chagg about itself because it’s will be free and with diversity and variety

So at the bottom is a link to get to the thing.


7.Free chagg answers by Istauch: 

 Another method used to get free chegg answer is to use the website name Istauch. It is an app that is used for the latest technologies and also helps to communicate like Facebook and Instagram and other social media app and it is also a helping app regarding getting the answer to your questions. It works with change. So if you want to get or attain a free answer on Chegg, all you have to do is open the Free Chegg option and fill in the required instruction, enter your relevant to study questions, and tap on the “Get Answer button”. Then at the end, you will be provided with the best answer and instructions. So we have this in this regard


Here’s how you can get it:

Step 1: First, you have to Open the Free Chegg Answers by the staunch form which is available on its website with a click.

Step 2: in the second step we will find the Chegg question that you want to get a brief answer for. Then must check that thing and paste this to the box with details.

 Step 3:Then in the third step we have to submit the required information by information box. Here we require two basic pieces of information to put in the box

-Chegg question link, is the question you need to ask for then. We put this in the information box.

– email id of the client.

4:In the last step or in the 4th step  Tap on the submit to send your question. 

You will receive the answer to your question within 30 minutes estimated.




You may use the slader website to solve the chegg answer for free. There is nothing difficult in it all you have to do is to go to the website and then type this to the search bar Now type your question in the search bar and put on the information required for this mean question for which you are seeking the answers. You can either copy the question or type it on the website You will get the answer to it when you get it after almost 30 minutes.

So in the end, you will get the corresponding g answers to your questions entered. 

So this will be a good way to solve your problem and other things as well.



There is another website named studylib to solve the chegg question for free. This is also an informative and study website. All you have to do is just go to the website and paste the question that is related to your studies. It is very simple to use. All you have to do is to go to the webpage and then you will see the search bar on it to type your question in it. On the search bar, you can type your desired question related to studies to this, and then after a specific time, you will get your answer from the website. This will provide you with the best possible answer you can attain. The website is less time-consuming or time is taken. In the end, you can get the best possible answer. It is also a convenient way to solve questions and solve problems relating to studies.



Like other websites, this is also the good one.  You can get information and answers to questions relating to the study. It has the most convenient way to solve the question and answer. The procedure is given as follows 

-Type the question or paste the textbook question to the search bar.

-then go to the submit button then press it

-In the end, we will get the answer to our question after some time. In short, it is also a good app.



In this topic, we learn about free online study methods. This is an informative article for students who have problems relating to studies and finance as well. Everyone is not equal financially. But it is the right of every student to get the benefit from the internet many students are facing problems relating to studies these days. A lot of them are worried about their carrier so we must guide our juniors. As chagg is a private app for study and knowledge. It was launched in America California. It is a productive app and beneficial as well. But if we come to charges like 14 dollars a month. Everyone is not capable to pay that kind of amount. So to make everything easy for students, in this topic we managed to explore all the methods, ways, websites, and apps that provide these services for free. As I mentioned a lot of them are related to chagg. We also mentioned the use of these apps in this article. We must do something to improve this system. So that new students can get some benefit from that. So this was all about the free chagg answer for free.

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