inverter ac price in Pakistan
In the summer season and hot days use an inverter AC is the best option to cool down their room temperature and stay relax. In the past which AC was using for cooling consume more electricity units but now which invertor AC was introduced and using reduce your electricity bills and give more facilities. These air conditioning units cool down your room temperature much faster than fans and other electrical instruments.
If you are going to market for purchase a new AC where you will see a lot of company brands AC and you face problem to decide right size and right brand of AC, that’s why in this article we are giving you information about top best invertor AC which information will be very beneficial for you.
In this article we will giving you information about
• Features of invertor AC
• Prices of invertor AC in Pakistan
• Top best invertor AC in Pakistan
• Conclusion
• FAQ (frequently asked question)
Further detail is given below.
Features of invertor AC
There is a different benefits of invertor AC which detail is given below.
• Control outdoor noise
• Cost effective
• More efficient
• Invertor AC reduce your electricity bills
• It makes environment friendly and refresh
• Suitable for small and large spaces
• Invertor AC has ability to control compressor motor speed.
• Cool down room temperature much faster than another electrical instrument.
Top best invertor AC in Pakistan
Now we tell you a list of top best invertor AC with their efficiency, quality and brands which detail is given below.
List of top best invertor AC
- Orient Ultron-e-comfort
- Haier full DC inverter
- Gree GS-12 CITH
- Dawlance splint invertor
- Samsung triangle invertor split AC
- ECO-star invertor air conditioner
- PEL invertor AC
- Kenwood KET invertor AC
- Changhong Ruba heat and cool DC invertor
- Mitsubishi invertor split series AC
- Homage Prism invertor split air conditioner
- Panasonic invertor AC
Now we tell you a complete detail about these different types of invertor AC
Prices of Invertor AC with their names and weight in 2021
Sr. No 1 | Names of invertor AC: ORient | TON:1 ton | Prices in PKR: 60,000 |
Sr. No 2 | Names of invertor AC: Haier | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 74000 |
Sr. No 3 | Names of invertor AC: Gree | TON:1 ton | Prices in PKR: 66000 |
Sr. No 4 | Names of invertor AC: Dawlance | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 69,500 |
Sr. No 5 | Names of invertor AC: Samsung | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 10,6000 |
Sr. No 6 | Names of invertor AC: Eco-Star | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 65000 |
Sr. No 7 | Names of invertor AC: PEL | TON:1.5 ton DC invertor |
Prices in PKR: 71000 |
Sr. No 8 | Names of invertor AC: Kenwood KET | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 68,500 |
Sr. No 9 | Names of invertor AC: Changhong Ruba | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 66000 |
Sr. No 10 | Names of invertor AC: Mitsubishi | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 1,65000 |
Sr. No 11 | Names of invertor AC: Homage Prism | TON:1.5 ton | Prices in PKR: 70,000 |
Sr. No 12 | Names of invertor AC: Panasonic | TON:2 ton | Prices in PKR: 100,000 |
TOP best invertor AC in Pakistan
1.Orient Ultron-e-comfort
2.Haier full DC invertor HSU-18HN- 1.5-Ton
3.Gree GS-12CITH – 1 ton
- 3-years warranty
- 12000 BTUs
- Both heating and cooling system
- Fast cooling speed
- Ideal for 15 sq feet room size
- G-10 invertor latest power
- High speed DSP chip
- Computer simulation control
- Fire proof electric box
- Self Diagnoses
- Double layer condenser
4.Dawlance splint invertor 0.75 TON
- Fast cooling speed
- Long air throwing
- Fire proof control box
- Both heating and cooling system
- Sleep mode available
- Multiple features of programing
5.Samsung Triangle invertor split AC
- More than 60% energy saving
- Golden fine production
- 10-years compressor warranty
- Powerful and fast cleaning
- Clean and refresh environment
- Build-in stabilizer
- Auto air cleaning process
6.ECO-Star invertor Air conditioner 1.5 ton
7.PEL invertor-o-cool AC
- It has both options cooling and heating system
- Allow air purifications
- 10-years warranty
- Fast and powerful cooling system
- Best quality of technology
8.Kenwood KET invertor AC
- It has 5-year compressor warranty
- Provides both heat and cooling function
- Self-cleaning function
- 4D air flow
- Eco-friendly aspects
- Sleep mode available
9.Changhong Ruba heat and cool DC invertor
- Double layer condenser.
- Turbo cooling and heating system
- 70% energy saving system
- Golden fins evaporator and condenser
- 100% full chopper connecting pipe
- 18000 capacity cooling system
- New control PCB
10.Mitsubishi invertor split series AC 1.5 ton
11.Homage Prism invertor split air conditioner
- DC invertor compressor
- Heat and cooling function
- Sleep mode available
- 100% pure copper installation kit
- Gold fin production
- Hidden Led display
- Easy cleaning process
- 3D air flow
- Long distance air flow
- 10 years compressor warranty
- 1-year parts warranty
12. Panasonic invertor AC
FAQ 1 : Which invertor AC is best in Pakistan?
For office use= Gree and Haier
For home use= Dawlance and PEL,
FAQ 2 : Does invertor AC save electricity?
Yes, invertor AC save 30-50% electricity than other regular air conditioner, even it can run on generator and UPS. In 2016 invertor give high rating than other regular air conditioners.,
FAQ 3 : What is the cheapest invertor AC in Pakistan?
Orient is the cheapest invertor AC in Pakistan which has 60,000 prices in PKR.,
FAQ 4 :How can reduce invertor AC electricity bills?
To close the blinds
Change AC filters
Create cross-winds
Replace old AC units
Check for cracks and leaks
Install smart thermostat
FAQ 5 : Which is the best AC temperature for sleep or for night?
To sleep best temperature for bed room is 60⁰ and 67⁰ F in a normal season?