If you are looking for SECCAP admission 2021 then you are at right place. From this informative article you will get information related to admission in SECCAP. I will also discuss about last date of submission of form along with submission procedure. Before applying in this college first of all you need to know about this college. SECCAP stands for Sind E-Centralized College Admission program. This program was started under the supervision of Sindh educational board.
If you want to get admission in any college of Karachi then you need to apply for SECCAP. Getting admission in government colleges of Karachi is not easy. SECCAP follows the centralized admission policy. This policy is purely based upon the merit. Those students having high scores will be selected for top colleges. If you have low marks then you will be selected for low merit colleges.
Seccap form
As you know that board of intermediate and secondary education Karachi announced result of matric. If you have passed matriculation then you need to apply for SECCAP. Sindh government introduced proper system for this purpose under the umbrella of SECCAP.
If you have passed matriculation exam from Sindh board other than Karachi board then you need to get application form from Directorate of Colleges Office Sahrah e Liaquat Karachi.
As you know that world educational system is more developed. But Pakistan is following old conventional method. But some institution in Pakistan are introducing modern system in Pakistan.
Last date for applying in SECCAP is August 2020. Institution will not accept any hand written application. Different colleges are available in choice. Student can select any five colleges from given list. You need to write about priority of college.
First student will be selected then your admission will be confirmed. After the ending of selection procedure SECCAP will display merit list. If your name will be available in merit list then you will be selected. If your name will be unavailable in list then you will be not given admission. There is no processing fee for this process. This policy is applicable for you if you have passed matriculation from Karachi board. There are total 57 colleges in Karachi. Students can get admission in these colleges through this policy. Student must passed matriculation in last three years.
cap form online registration 2023
Please write your complete name in given space.
- Always write name and other details in capital letters.
- Write CNIC number or B-form number.
- Write date of birth according to your identity card or B-form.
- Please write original marks of matriculation.
- Write exact percentage of marks on the form.
This policy is very good. Because it helps students to get education in top colleges of Karachi. Students get admission on the basis of merit. Other provinces of Pakistan should also follow this policy.