How to write urdu in ms word Step by Step Guide Microsoft Office All Versions Windows 10, 11

 If you want to know about how to write urdu in MS word then you are at right place. today we are going to share with you all detail about write urdu in ms so kindly read complete article.Today’s i will show how to install Urdu keyboard and and how to type in Urdu Language in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc.

How to write urdu in ms word

We are share with you very simple and easy way to write urdu in ms word.
  • First of all download keyboard of urdu language in windows 10.
  • Install the urdu language keyboard.
  • Open the setting of windows 10 and open the time and language option.
  • Click on language button and add Urdu language keyboard. 
  • Then open the Microsoft word and set urdu language as a default language.


How to write urdu in Ms Word and Microsoft Office 


Urdu is famous and common language in South Asia. National language of Pakistan is urdu. Many people in India and Pakistan use urdu language for creating different memes. On internet there are different softwares for writing urdu in Microsoft word. Inpage is one of the best software for writing urdu in Microsoft word. In this informative article I will discuss about how to write urdu in Microsoft word.

Setting is different for different windows. If you are using windows 10 then setting is different. For windows 7 setting is different. 


Writing Urdu in Microsoft word 

(Windows 10)

If you are running windows 10 in your computer then you are at right place. Feature of urdu language is added in all Microsoft products. Follow these steps to write urdu in Microsoft word.

  • Open the setting and click on time and language option. 
  • Then click on language button.
  • On screen you will see  add a preffered language.
  • Click on add a preferred language and search Urdu language.
  • After searching add Urdu language in it.
  • Open the Microsoft word and set urdu as default language. 
  • User can change default language by clicking on review button of menu of Ms word.


Writing Urdu in Microsoft word

(Windows 7)

If you want to write urdu in Microsoft word windows 7 then follow these steps.

  • First of all open control panel and click on clock region and language option.
  • Then click on keyboard and language.
  • Click on change keyboard.
  • Then select Urdu and add it.
  • Open Microsoft word and click on review button.
  • Change the language of Microsoft word into urdu. 



If you want to write urdu in Microsoft word then follow above mentioned steps. If you want to change keyboard then press windows key and space.

Always install keyboard that supports urdu language. You can also use on screen keyboard.

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