What is theToday Cement Price in Pakistan?

The cement price in Pakistan is one of the most important factors for
determining how much it will cost to build a house. The cost of building
materials varies from country to country, but the prices are generally lower
in poorer countries. This means that if you want to build an affordable home
in a poorer country, you’ll need less money than if you were planning on
building an expensive million-dollar mansion in America or
Canada. Masonry, the art of building with stone or bricks, has been
around for centuries. This trade takes a lot of work and time to learn the
skills needed to create anything from small headstones to massive buildings.
Cement is an integral part of masonry because it acts as both a binder and
plaster for brickwork. It’s important that cement is mixed correctly so that
you get the best quality product possible.

Cement is one of the most important building materials in Pakistan. The price
of cement varies depending on the location, quantity, and quality. For
example, cement prices in Rawalpindi are much higher than in Karachi because
it is a more central city with high demand for concrete. Local retailers will
often charge double or triple the amount that local suppliers would offer for
bulk orders. Cement prices fluctuate frequently according to inflation rates
and other factors but you can use this list to see how much your area’s
average cost per bag of cement might be.

Today Cement Price in Pakistan 

Cement is an essential material in the construction industry. It helps secure
concrete and other materials, as well as provide additional support for
various structures such as roads and bridges. This blog post discusses the
rates of cement in Pakistan.

The cement prices we provide on our site are not company rates. Due to various
factors like supply and demand, they may differ from the actual price of the
invoice or the market, but when you go through an official source like EIEMC,
their price should not exceed 20-30%. Some companies offer special offers. The
reason for dealing with their competitors is that one firm’s costs may be
lower while the other has changed suppliers which may charge less per kg unit.
Employees from the company list.

Today Cement Price In Pakistan List

Cement CompanyQuantityMin PriceMax Price
Askari Cement50KG BagRs. 1250Rs. 1300
Attock Cement50KG BagRs. 1200Rs. 1250
Pioneer50KG BagRs. 1230Rs. 1250
Power cement50KG BagRs.880Rs. 1250
Pakland cement price50KG BagRs. 850Rs.1200
Maple Leaf Cement50KG BagRs. 890Rs.1300
DG Cement50KG BagRs. 895Rs.1230
Lucky Cement50KG BagRs. 885Rs. 1200
Bestway Cement50KG BagRs. 875Rs. 1250
Kohat Cement50KG BagRs. 890Rs. 1250
Fauji Cement50KG BagRs. 880Rs. 1250
Flying Cement50KG BagRs. 890Rs. 1250
PakCem50KG BagRs. 880Rs. 1230
Maple Leaf White Cement50KG BagRs. 1,555Rs.1665
FALCON CEMENT(OPC)50KG BagRs. 840Rs. 1220
FALCON CEMENT(SRC)50KG BagRs. 860Rs. 1300
Kohat cement50KG BagRs.880Rs.1250
Cherat cement50KG BagRs.880Rs.1200
Dewan cement50KG BagRs. 860Rs.1280
Lucky cement50KG BagRs.880Rs.1250
Raj cement products50KG BagRs.880Rs.1230

prices of cement can vary depending on the seller and market conditions. For example, if there is an import duty or any other type for regulation in your country then prices might also change with these added costs that are applicable across all buyers/sellers worldwide alike! However we have included some average values below just so you know what to expect when buying from us 

What are the types of cement?

The types of cement include Portland, which is the most common type. Hydraulic
and microsilica are also widely used.

Ingredients: Portland Cement, Magnesium Oxide (MgO), Sulphate Resistant Sand
(SRS) or Silica Fume, Water

Types: hydraulic cements (contain calcium aluminate cements such as Alite and
Belite); low-alkali; high-early strength; shrinkage compensated; chemical
resistant; sulphate resisting; sulfate reducing bacteria resistance;
non-staining/non-bleeding | Micro silica and other speciality grades with
modified set properties to suit specific applications like SRS for use in
concrete exposed to deicing salts, or for use in concrete that will be subject
to sulphate attack such as seawater and ground water.

How to identify a good quality cement?

A good quality cement will be made up of a specific ratio of materials and
properly blended. It should also have no more than 0.60% sulphate levels to
avoid corrosion in the future. The most popular method for testing is known as
“The Concrete Cube Test”. Take samples from different areas so that you can
compare them with others, such as those purchased at your local store or
dealer’s shop. To test, break off around one-inch cubes and weigh them before
adding water (this makes it easier to measure later). Once the concrete has been set fully, finish by dividing each sample into two halves using a chisel and
hammer – this ensures an even distribution of strength across all sides of the
cube which allows for a fair comparison between each sample. Then, leave them to
dry out at room temperature for a few days before weighing again. The
difference in weight will indicate the strength of each side which you can
compare against others once all samples have completed this process.

Cement should be free from foreign materials and inert matter such as lumps of
clay or large particles of sand that could result in defects or reduce its
performance during hardening/setting time period after mixing with water.

Quality is judged by considering the following factors:

a) Percentage fineness (or gradation), 

b) Strength, c) Rate of setting & Initial set-time, d) Durability e)
Permeability f ) Expansion due to Alali-Silica reaction g) Sulfate Resistance
h) Toxicity i) Dimensional Stability j) Creep k) Admixtures.

Where to buy cement in pakistan ?

There are many outlets in Pakistan where you can buy cement. You can visit
your local hardware shop, building materials store or dealer to purchase the
product you need for a given project.

Cement is widely available at all construction supply stores.

Closeouts and liquidations of surplus cements are also frequent due to
overproduction by factories.

Pro-Pak Cement is one of the leading brands in Pakistan. You can purchase
cement from them directly or through an authorized dealer near you.

You can buy Pro Pak cements from warehouses, hardware stores and dealers shops
around your area. Here are some additional options for buying this product:

different brands of cements available in pakistan

There are many different brands of cements available in Pakistan. Here is a
list of some popular products:

  • Pro Pure Cement,
  • Dedex Ethernet,
  • Lafarge Pakistan,
  • Askari Cement Limited
  • Attic Cement (Pakistan) Limited
  • Bestway Cement Limited
  • Charity Cement Company Limited
  • Ji Khan Cement Company Limited
  • Pak Limited
  • Power Cement Limited
  • Safe Mix Concrete Limited
  • Thatta Cement Company Limited
  • Zell Pak Cement Factory Limited
  • Dendot Cement Company Limited
  • Dewan Cement Limited
  • Gharibwal Cement Limited
  • Javedan Corporation Limited
  • Javedan Corporation Limited (Pref Shares)
  • Kohat Cement Limited
  • Lucky Cement Limited
  • Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited
  • Fuji Cement Company Limited
  • Facto Cement Limited
  • Flying Cement Company Limited

Why is it important to use a high-quality and branded cement for construction

Using a high-quality and branded cement for construction work is very
important. Using the correct type of cement will ensure your project lasts
longer while using inferior quality can have consequences that are more
expensive in the long run.

Choosing the right kind of cement makes all the difference when it comes to
building projects, so you should always consider brand names before purchasing
any product. The best way to find out which brands offer good products at
competitive prices would be by taking references from family or friends who
have had previous experience with these materials/products or through online
reviews where customers share their experiences about different suppliers,
dealers, etc. However, if the price remains an issue then you could start
looking around for cheaper alternatives but make sure they meet required
standards otherwise there could be extensive damage to your property in the


The cost of cement in Pakistan is one factor that affects the price. Factors
like labor costs, raw materials prices, and other auxiliary factors also
affect how much a company charges for its products or services.

The price of cement in Pakistan has been steadily rising since the beginning
of 2018, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In a country where less than
half the population can afford housing, this is bad news for many people who
have already seen their wages reduced by inflation. If you’re looking for a
new house or apartment but don’t know what prices are going to be like, keep
an eye on developments with the cement industry – that will give you a good
idea of how much houses will cost!

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