As we know our country Pakistan has some history which we spend in complete relaxation on vacation. In these histories, there are some histories which we spend in the memory of a person and there are some histories in which public and private institutions in our country Pakistan are completely closed on the day of our birth or death. There are some festivals that are celebrated all over the world including our country Pakistan and government and private offices are completely closed.

As Eid Milad Nabi is celebrated in Islamic countries And there are some festivals that are celebrated only in Pakistan and private and government offices are completely closed. And there are some histories in our country in which we have declared complete mourning and silence due to an accident and closed private and government offices in Pakistan. These are the dates that we have been reading in books and we have been celebrating these dates since childhood The tragedy of December 14 in our country Pakistan is not one of the most memorable tragedies.

Every year on 14th December in our country’s educational institutions children are informed about 14th December. Private and government offices of our country remain closed on the date of birth of our national poet Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Our Founder of Pakistan Mr. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah On the date of his birth all the institutions are closed. On 14th August all the educational institutions of our country are closed. When our country Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947, the divisions started on both our sides.

Dozens of families were separated from each other forever. Rejoice that we have got a separate Muslim state but never forget how our elders sacrificed for this country. Today, it is a pity that on 14th August, or on a festival, a young man is seen doing one-wheeling. There are. The whole country is on holiday in their own homes in the joy of becoming Pakistan, so this young man should also respectfully thank Nawafil and thank Allah that He has created us in an independent state. Eid-ul-Fitr is a blessed month after the month of Ramadan. If Muslims go hungry and worship for the sake of Allah for the whole month, then Allah gives Eid as a gift to His servants. But on the day of Eid, our youngsters play music in cars, shout in the streets, and do not remember anything except Eid. There are three holidays on this occasion. Enjoy the pleasures, not the outdoors, but the spectacle of sitting at home.

List of the Public Holidays in Pakistan

DateDaysHoliday Name
5 FebSatKashmir Day
23 MarWedPakistan Day
18 AprMonEaster Monday
1 MaySunLabour Day
3 MayTueEid ul-Fitr
4 MayWedEid ul-Fitr Holiday
5 MayThuEid ul-Fitr Holiday
10 JulSunEid ul-Azha
11 JulMonEid ul-Azha Holiday
12 JulTueEid ul-Azha Holiday
7 AugSunAshura
8 AugMonAshura
14 AugSunIndependence Day
9 OctSunMilad un-Nabi
25 DecSunChristmas Day
25 DecSunQuiad-e-Azam Day
26 DecMonDay after Christmas


In order to know about the coming Holidays in the year 2023 in Muslim families, you should read this article of ours completely and keep abreast of the history of Holidays. There will be a holiday in each of these upcoming festivals, but there will be some festivals to celebrate and some festivals to accept your prayers from Allah, such as this festival coming in the year 2023.

KASHMIR DAY (05-02-2023)

This festival has just passed. On this festival, private and government offices in our country Pakistan were closed for one day. We celebrate this festival for the Kashmiri brothers and to create peace. On this festive day in different schools or in different places students and Pakistani people are briefed about Kashmir and they are taught to raise voice for peace in Kashmir. Kashmir is the most beautiful region in the world as long as there was peace in the valleys of Kashmir Don’t know this paradise-like valley, the queen of beauty and the snow-capped peaks, these murmurful valleys, they eat the bill, they are the hospitable people of Kashmir, they don’t know, they are being punished for any crime. We will raise our voice for Kashmir and Kashmir will come out of the Holi of blood and then attract people from all over the world with a beautiful melody. Kashmir is a land of beautiful and charming and snow-capped mountains and clear lakes.


March 23 is a day off across Pakistan in which our public and private institutions are closed The resolution of our country Pakistan was passed on 23rd March, after the efforts of which our Pakistan came into existence on 14th August 1947. On 23rd March, our country’s pride in the skies, our young men, the brave young men of Pakistan Air Force guarding the borders of our country, in the heights of the sky, show the whole country flying the best with their jet ready. When the youth of our country look at the heights of the sky showing the best curtab, this scene is very visible.

Seeing such scenes and the spirit of Pakistan Army awakens the spirit of our youth. Along with the soldiers of Pakistan Air Force, the soldiers of Pakistan Army are also seen chanting slogans of Takbir on their vehicles all over the country and raising the spirits of the youth of the nation. Seeing the passion of his young brothers, then the love of man for his country grows and that country wants to take any step for the protection of Pakistan. While the young men of Pakistan Army and the young men of Air Force are showing their appearance, the deaf soldiers of our country are seen doing the best stunts in their boats or their ships in the Pakistan Navy sea. Large crowds gather to chant slogans of Pakistan Zindaabad and Pak Army Zindaabad.

While on the one hand the love of the country is inspiring the youth of our young nation, on the other hand there are a lot of young people who are driving their cars at random on their motorcycles and doing the worst things. In our country, the youth should respect their festival and celebrate it with dignity and peace. Because the country came into being after great sacrifices. On March 23, the resolution of our country Pakistan was passed. We should celebrate this festival in the best possible way. Because this country is ours and we are its guardians.

LABOUR DAY 1-05-2023

First, we celebrate Labor Day for workers in memory of workers and encourage workers and the poor. Workers do not realize that people have forgotten us. Labor Day Many people in our country give gifts to the workers in their factories which encourages the workers and the workers happily. Does his job We should all try to help all the poor and oppressed people around us so that people in our country Pakistan can keep their feelings alive. In our country, it is the working class who earn their living and their family’s livelihood through hard work.

It makes you think that on the first day of the month for which the holiday is announced, but the same laborer goes to work on that day also and earns two times for his family. In our country Pakistan there are some factory owners who give gifts to their workers on the 1st May and on the 1st May special meals are prepared for them in their factory and are presented to these workers with a lot of potocol. And in our country, Pakistan, there are some factory owners who delay the first day’s leave to the workers, let alone pay. Labor is very important for our country Pakistan.

People should take care of their working brothers in every possible way In our country, Pakistan, people should make their working brothers realize that in every hour of need, we stand with our working brothers. We people have to change our minds and then there will be an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in our society. These workers work all day long and keep our buildings tidy Create a feeling in yourself for these people so that they can find the best for themselves Whether it is hot, cold, sunny, or rainy, only a laborer leaves home in search of food to feed his children. Try to help these people with an excuse when there is no chance for them to work. So that the children of these people are not disturbed by hunger because when Pakistan is ours then the people of Pakistan are also ours۔


Eid-ul-Fitr is a beautiful festival for our Muslim brothers. There are three holidays on this festival. This Eid is also called Sweet Eid. When a Muslim fasts, Allah gives Eid-ul-Fitr as a gift to him. Young children get dressed in new clothes at home and go for a walk in the market or outside On the occasion of this Eid all the relatives meet each other and those who are far away from their homes for the sake of sustenance visit the house on the occasion of Eid and the joys of the home take four months This Eid is sometimes celebrated after 29 days or sometimes after 30 days.

In the month of Ramadan, my God says My servant ask me so that I may grant you the month of Ramadan is the month of great blessings When the fast ends, the people who were sitting in the mosques in Ihtikaf are brought to their relatives’ houses from the mosques with great pomp and splendor and the people in the house are congratulating each other on Eid-ul-Fitr. Young people head to the bazaars to have their beards and hair set. Happiness-filled faces and parties are echoing in the streets, and my God is sitting in the sky, smiling at the sight.

On the morning of Eid, men prepare Eid prayers and women prepare sweet dishes. After this, relatives come to each other’s houses to meet Eid and the sounds of Eid Mubarak are echoing in the streets of the houses. May Allah bless every Muslim man and woman with the joys of Eid and help us all Muslims to do good deeds.


This Eid is called the big Eid. It takes place two months after Eid-ul-Fitr. People also have three holidays on this Eid. This Eid is also called Eid-ul-Qurban. On this Eid people sacrifice small and big animals and the meat is distributed among the poor people and the skins of the animals are often taken away by the people. ۔ The flow of guests on it continues for a long time. People make new dishes in their homes and celebrate Eid with their family and relatives. On this Eid, people from far and wide visit each other’s homes and share the joys of Eid with each other. When the days of Eid are approaching, people look for animals for sacrifice. And when the animal comes home, the children and women of the house apply henna to these animals and the young children are seen daily walking their animals in the market or outside the fields. On this Eid, take special care of those who cannot afford to sacrifice Eid because of the high cost.


Holidays are celebrated in our country, Pakistan, in these offices and schools. Holidays that are full of complexity are neither fun nor comfortable. With the holidays in mind, young children want to have a picnic and a large number of parents go to the beach or to the park to take their children for a walk. There are some festivals in which one should worship at home instead of walking around and a large number of people do so. The festivals of Ashura and Eid-ul-Milad are the festivals of worship sitting at home. On these festivals a large number of people take to the streets in the form of processions and rallies. Do not interfere in their affairs on this occasion and save yourself from trouble.And there are some festivals which have only one day off like Quaid-e-Azam Day, Iqbal Day, Independence Day. These are one-day holiday holidays. Try to spend this holiday with your family and children at home.

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