How To Apply For PM Shahbaz Sharif Laptop Scheme 2023
The Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has now elected the new Prime Minister of Pakistan on the 10 April 2023. Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif new Prime Minister of Pakistan has now declared the Prime Minister Laptop New Phase Scheme for the all those students who are getting the higher level education from any university in all over the Pakistan. But Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has explained in his first speech that for this Prime Minister Laptop Scheme registration date will be published in the upcoming time very soon.
Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has inaugurated this new phase Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister on the date of 10 July which was the first day of Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif as a Prime Minister of Pakistan. The all criteria and regulations for this new phase Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister are to be indicated in the consideration. All the those students from all over the Pakistan who are very destined give an advice for all these students to must enroll themselves for this new phase of Prime Minister Laptop Scheme before the last date for the hand over the application form from the Government of Pakistan.
The Government of Pakistan has announced the notification that Higher Education Commission (HEC) which is working in the supervision of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister will be give out the almost total number of 2 lakh laptops in the IV and V combined phase for the all students who are studying in the public category universities and those all institutions which are received the degree.
From the some authentic information from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) on the 11 April 2023, those students who are give an application for the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister the last date for submitting the application is 30 September. The initial phase of this PM Laptop Scheme will be introduced in the year of 2022-23 and the Government of Pakistan has made the final decision to give out the one lakh laptops in the every financial year of the Government of Pakistan to those students who are very desperately intelligent and got the high quality marks .
Although, this was the previous year of the currently government which is controlled the all kinds of affairs and that is why this government has made the decision to give out the 2 lakh laptops which are left out in the last year in the the year of 2022-23 session.
In the current year of 2023, the Government of Pakistan has made the very useful decision to give out the 2 lakhs laptops in the previous year of its limit to complete up the defined destination of distributed the total number of 5 lakhs laptops to the Master level students in all over the Pakistan in the period of four years. In the beginning of this scheme, the government of Pakistan were give out the laptops to those university students who were studying in the public category and after this stage the government has announced to include the colleges and vocational colleges in all over the Pakistan in this laptops scheme.
As well, in the beginning of this program the government of Pakistan had chosen the exclusive those students for this laptops scheme who are get the degree of Ph.D and the Masters level degree, but with the passage of time the government of Pakistan has made a decision tto give out the laptops who are get the BS level degree from the college or university. In the starting of this laptops scheme, those universities were not included in this scheme who are provide the distance learning education facility to the students, but after the some time Government of Pakistan has also included the Allama Iqbal Open University and Virtual University of Pakistan for the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister.
The Government of Pakistan has arranged a very special kind of ceremony at the place of Government College Women University at the Sialkot city. In this ceremony give out the laptops to the selected students under the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister and also government has launched the Smart Classroom for the students. The stalls were also opened in which viewing the social and financial problems and their solutions. The minister of foreign affairs Khawaja Muhammad Asif has participated in this function as the chief guest. Miss Laila Khan, Chairperson of Prime Minister Youth Program and Chairman of Higher Education Commission Doctor Mukhtar Ahmed also participated in this function.
Latest Information About Given Out Laptops For BISE Lahore Students
The Government of Pakistan was to given out the laptops to those 250 students who are got the high percentage numbers of the Matric level for the 2019 year and for the 2021 year on the date of 27 April 2021 and government of Pakistan has announced that in the upcoming phase which is held after the short period of time the laptops will be distributed to those students who are get the 90 percent number or more than the 90 percent number.
Announcement For The All Students
The new Government of Pakistan which is become in the recent days has declared the very useful scheme of Prime Minister Laptop Program Phase Number IV and V. From the authentic information that Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has announced the wellbeing scheme of Phase IV and V which will be begin very quickly and Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif said that government will be give out the about 2 lakhs laptops to those students who got the high percentage marks from all over the Pakistan in the IV and V combined phase of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister for the year of 2023. In the past 3 phases of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister, the previous Government of Pakistan was give out the total number of three lakhs and ten thousand laptops to the all those students who are selected for this scheme and belong to the Punjab province, the total worth of these 310,000 laptops is 30 billion Rupees.
In the previous years, the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister Phase III was given out by the Government of Pakistan to exclusive for the those students who are intelligent and excellent and this scheme was declared by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
Those students from all over the Pakistan who are fully qualified for the Prime Minister Laptop Scheme according to the capability criteria are given an advice to must go the PMLNs up to date portal and registered themselves.
If you are want to give an application for Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister 2023 or you update your personal profile through the given below link:
If you have any kind of problem about the capability criteria and any other issues then you go to official website of Allama Iqbal Open University and find out the desired information.
▪︎It is asked for the all students to choose your scheme with great attention.
▪︎It will be very essential of the substantial attendance of the all students to receive the award.
▪︎The government has declared the 2.5 percent share for the those students who get the education through distance learning method of the Allama Iqbal Open University.
The Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister Scheme for the year 2023 Phase IV and V will be very quickly launched by the Government of Pakistan and the new enrollment of the year 2023 will be started very soon so all students from all over the Pakistan just wait some days and they can enroll themselves as soon as possible.
The new Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif is now to be currently make a very good mechanism to give out the laptops to those students who are getting the degree of Bachelor from any college or University. The Government of Pakistan will be chosen the those students who have above than 2.88 CGPA in their final examination. After the some months, the Government of Pakistan will be also give out the laptops through the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister to those all students who are studying in the Allama Iqbal Open University and Virtual University.
Provide Laptops For II Phase Laptops Scheme Proceeding
In the past time, the previous government of Pakistan was distributed the laptops to the all talented students through the II Phase of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister in Pakistan. Miss Laila Khan was explained the people that Due to the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister, the Government of Pakistan has been given out the total 3 lakhs laptops to those students who are very intelligent and excellent in all over the whole universities of Pakistan and also government 2 lakhs more laptops will be given out to the all students of Pakistan which are manufactured in the Pakistan throughout the end of 2018 year. And the enrollment for Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister 2023 Phase IV will be launched by the Government of Pakistan very soon.
The all students of Pakistan who are getting the education from the Government Colleges of Technology, Federal Government Colleges of Technology and FATA region can easily give an application and you now choose the local capital as your city and also your individual board from the university dropdown.
Laptop Scheme Of Prime Minister 2023 For High Secondary Students
The Government of Pakistan has now made the decision to distribute laptops to those students who are clear the matric level examination in the previous year 2021 through the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister. The Scheme of Prime Minister Laptop is presently into the active status due to the working mode and government of Pakistan distributed the laptops into the various types of colleges and universities in all over the Pakistan. In the previous year February 2021, according to the new details from the Government of Pakistan that government was given out the one lakh laptops due to the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister to only those students who were passed the matric level examination in all provinces of Pakistan.
Due to this Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister the those students in the all over Pakistan will also receive the laptops from the government who will get the below 78 percent number in their annual examination. From the statement of Yousaf Abbasi, the Government of Pakistan has before given out the laptops to those students who were cleared the matric examination in the year of 2021. And now government will also distribute the laptops to those students who are pass the secondary examination in all over the Pakistan. The government has issued the confirmation that the those students who are get the above 78 percent marks in the matric level annual examination will compulsory to receive the laptops in the whole Pakistan due to the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister.
The Government of Pakistan has launched the II Phase of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister in the previous year and the all students of university were given the application for this scheme through the official website of this scheme, the government was inaugurated the enrollment process from the 1 November 2021 and this process was end up in 10 January 2023.
The Government of Pakistan has announced the other good thing that specific share of 2.5 percent to 5 percent will be given to the students who are get the education from the Allama Iqbal Open University, Virtual University, Islamabad city and for the FATA region. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) which is working under the supervision of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister has requested the the all students to submit the application from all over the Pakistan by the convenient method for this Laptop Scheme. From the statement of Higher Education Commission (HEC) in the previous year 2021, those candidates who have the degree of Ph.D, M.Phil degree, the Master level degree which duration is one or two years, government political institutions are capable of to give an application for the IV and V Phase for Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister with the support of Higher Education Commission (HEC).
Some Past Time Details About Laptops Scheme
The Government of Punjab province has issue the notification for the schedule of given out the laptops under the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister for those students who have a degrees of Ph.D, Masters level, Bachelor level and who are get the diploma in the field of Engineering.
The some of the students from all over the Pakistan are inquiring the question again to the facility of EVO along the three months free internet connection facility which was given by the government of Pakistan in the previous Phase and now in this IV and V Phase of Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister, this facility will be given along the laptops or not provided to the students. The all students are in hesitation and they all of these demand the verification about this facility along the laptops scheme. So, the answer for the all students who are inquiring the question is Yes, the government of Pakistan will also provide the facility of EVO free internet connection along the each laptop.
The some students are also asking the some questions from the government of Pakistan who are studying in Universities for Masters level degrees, So the all students of having the degrees of Masters, M Phil and Ph.D of the public sector universities will be capable for this Prime Minister Laptop Scheme in all over the Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan has also placed the particular share for the all those students who are disabled.
The all students from all over the Pakistan will be qualify for Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister due to getting the high percentage marks in their annual examination. The students who are very intelligent and studying in the Polytechnic Institutions in all over the Pakistan will be also able to give an application for this scheme.
The Government of Pakistan has arranged a meeting in the Lahore city in the supervision of Finance Minister and they issued the complete schedule and all information about the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister 2023 for the IV and V Phase in the all provinces of Pakistan. In this meeting of Government of Pakistan has confirmed that government will give out the one lakh laptops to the all students who are belong the Punjab, Khyber Pakhtun Kha, Sindh, Balochistan and also for the students of Azad Jammu Kashmir region. Those students who are before receive the laptops through the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister in the previous three phases will be not eligible for this IV and V combined Phase of 2023 year from the government of Pakistan. These currently Laptop Scheme for the 2023 year worth is estimated four hundred million Rupees.
Capability Criteria For PM Laptop Scheme 2023 For All Students Of Pakistan
The Government of Pakistan will be distributed the two hundred thousand laptops to given below types of young students in the all Pakistan:
1.Those students who are get the degree of 4 years BS Program from the all Pakistan universities will be eligible for this scheme.
Those students who are get the 60 percent or more than 60 percent marks in the previous year exam will be eligible for this scheme if the examination system is yearly base
All those students who are get the 70 percent or more than 70 percent marks in the previous semester exam will be eligible for this scheme if the examination system is semester base
2.All those students who have post graduate degree for theirst and second part for the Masters Degree Program 2 years session will be eligible for this scheme
Those students who are get the 60 percent or more than 60 percent marks in the previous year exam will be eligible for this scheme if the examination system is yearly basis
All those students who are get the 70 percent or more than 70 percent marks in the previous semester exams will be eligible for this scheme if the examination system is semester basis
3.All those students who are currently get the registration, Scholars of MS, LLM, M.Phil and Ph.D degrees will be eligible for this scheme
4.The total 100 students of every Board who are get the high percentage marks of Secondary Level and Higher Secondary level will be qualified for this laptops scheme from government
5.For the those students who are currently studying in 1st year, the all information for the previous examination in which they all students was given the examination will be eligible for this laptops scheme from the government of Pakistan

According to the latest notification from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) that the 25 February 2023 was the last date for submitting the application for Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister and now it can be estimated that the Government of Pakistan will be providing the laptops to all intelligent and excellent students in the last days of April till the June 2021 for the all universities students. The Government of Pakistan is publish the latest advertisement of the Laptop Scheme of Prime Minister 2023 for the IV and V Phase in the all big newspapers of Pakistan and also on the official website.