If you are Tired of unwanted calls and messages, You Want to block unwanted calls & SMS blocker with unwanted call & SMS blocker. in this article we are going to tell you how to block unwanted incoming call SMS on your jazz sim. Jazz is Pakistan’s most famous and the number 1 telecom network. It is a long – term telecom network in Pakistan, providing many facilities and best packages to its preferred customer, including SMS packages, call minutes and Internet MB and many other packages.


How to Block Jazz incoming call SMS 

If you want to block any number on your b jazz sim or because of any other reason, we are going to block you with a full detail in today’s article that you can block calls and sans on any jazz’s sim. Read this article to the end. The daily scam is becoming common in society, almost everyone faced or saw scammer calling or SMS. Often getting unwanted calls and SMS can irritate or cause serious mental problems. To avoid this type of cases, jazz has made efforts to prevent scam calls and start a new service for their jazz users.

Jazz all incoming call block code

  • First of Open Phone Dialer And Dial *420# from your sim.
  • After Few Second you will be Received confirmation SMS to Activate your Block Service.
  • Now you Again Dial *420# from your Phone
  • You have show Menu on your Screen you just select one option (Add number to Blacklist) 
  • Now you Enter your number you want to block and click on send button and block number.
  • Service Charges: Rs.1.18/ Day (Incl. tax)
  • You can add only 50 numbers. This means that if you want to add more Numbers to the list of jazz calls and SMS blocks, you will need to delete the number first. Make sure you only add 50 Numbers to the maximum. If you add more than 50 Numbers, the list will automatically change the final number in the list.

How you can block Number on Jazz Sim with Screen Shots

  • Dial *420# from your Phone. to Subscribe this Service.
  • After Again Dial *420# 


  • Now you have show many Option You just type 1 and click on send.
  • After you enter your number and click on send option now block number.



How to Unblock your block number

In case you block mistakenly your friend or family number and you want to unblock your block number you just follow steps in below.
  • Simply Just Dial *420# Now you have show many option You just select (Removed number option)
  • Now you Enter and now unblock your number.
  • If you want check List your block numbers Just Dial *420*2# and Check all your block numbers.

How to Unsubscribe Jazz Number Blocker Service

  • If  you want to unsubscribe Jazz number blocker service you just dial *420*4# to unsubscribe this service.
Terms and Conditions
  • Terms and Conditions will be apply on jazz incoming call block offer.
  • jazz incoming call block offer only for prepaid Customers.
  • jazz incoming call block offer These Subscription Code and Price Any Time.
  • You can block only 50 numbers.
  • Subscription renewal is automatically attempted; if the balance is low, the service is subscribed to charge for 60 days and you will not receive calls and SMS from the number added to the block list. Numbers can be added and removed during the suspension period of 60 days.
  • To Active to “Call & SMS Block” service Through dial code, simply dial *420#.
  • To Deactivate “Call and SMS Block” service Through dial code, just dial *420# and select option 4
  • The block list will be removed as soon as the service is not subscribed and you will start receiving calls and SMS from all Numbers. If the service is re-subscribed you need to add the number to the block list again.
Conclusion: In this article we are given you best information about Latest jazz incoming call block offer. Please share this New jazz incoming call block offer with your family, friends and their loved one through Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitted and Instagram so that they can be entertained these services. if you feel any problem want know more information about this jazz incoming call block offer Post then comment in below.

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