Procedure to Print IESCO (ISLAMABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY) Duplicate Bill Online:

iesco online bill To check latest IESCO Bill, you requires “Reference Number (containing 14 digits)”. Save it in your log, cell phone or notebook etc. so that you have an easy access. Technique of examining and printing the most recent disseminated bill:
  • Concerning your old bill, type your “Reference Number (Containing 14 Digits)” deprived of space or dashes.
  • To prevent any error, verify your “Reference Number (14 Digits)” prior to the pressing of Generate button.
  • The most recent bill will be seen in PDF format, If you entered the exact “Reference Number (14 Digits)”.
  • To get print of your IESCO (ISLAMABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY) Duplicate Bill, connect printer to PC and by pressing the button “ Ctrl + P “ command the computer to start printing.

Through email Acquire Your Electricity Bill Each Month

  • Internet (a vital component of our daily life)
  • email (an important part of internet)
Email is used frequently for transferring mails. So, it also helps you to acquire your monthly IESCO Bill, which make you irritation-free from either your Bill is received in home, garage, factory or office. If you want to collect your electricity bill through email then you will require following data:


  1. ü Reference Number (14 Digits)
  2. ü Your email

Payment Of Bills Via JAZZ-CASH

Jazz-Cash (an
easy way to pay Utility Bills)

To pay a utility bill Jazz-Cash involves the
following different methods:

ü Jazz-Cash Account

ü Jazz-Cash Retailer

ü Jazz-Cash App

  • Step by the Step payment of a utility bill Using the
    Jazz-Cash Account:
  • ü Using your phone’s Dial pad, Dial *786#
  • ü Click “Pay Bills”
  • ü Select the Type of Bill to be paid
  • ü Select the relevant Company
  • ü Write/Type Consumer Reference Number (14 Digits)

    ü Recheck Transaction and Enter valid MPIN to Verify

    Follow these simple points and pay your bills (electricity/gas/water/
    telephone) staying home.

Olden times Of IESCO (Islamabad Electric Supply Company)

IESCO is a secondary firm of WAPDA (WAER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY). It was twisted on twenty fifth of April in 1998, when WAPDA’s power supply unit was partitioned into eight separate firms. In 2001 on third of  November, a distribution license was awarded to NEPRA (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority). In 1997 first electricity distribution license was awarded to Islamabad Electric Supply Company. Earlier IESCO was acting as IAEB (Islamabad Area Electricity Board).
A New name (Islamabad Electric Supply Company) was given to IAEB and in legacy, it gets all resources and responsibilities of the ex-company. Islamabad Electric Supply Company is running in five (5) districts enlisted as follows:

ü Islamabad

ü Rawalpindi

ü Chakwal

ü Jhelum

ü Attock


Electrical Record Of Pakistan

From the inauguration of Pakistan to the current day, Pakistan has been tackling the energy disaster. In 1947 for thirty one point five million people, Pakistan had head capacity to generate only 60 megawatts her remainder was introduced from India. Pakistan capacity to produce electricity from high unused nerve in 1947 mounted at ten point 7 Mega-watt. In 1956, Pakistan recognized atomic energy Research Center as energy mandate was raised and it is necessary to meet energy needs. With the help of nuclear power generation, energy generation capacity was Grew up to one hundred and fifteen Mega-watt through
In 1959 to cope with the rising energy needs, Pakistani Government grasped the significance of the advancement of Energy Sector and consequently Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established. An infrastructure was set to meet up energy requirement and till the 1980s it functioned efficiently after that the energy crunch began to develop.
Energy plans (were developed in 1958, 1994 and 1998) to deal with the shortage of electricity. WAPDA commenced different hydel and thermal energy production schemes, with the help of which the power production capacity was tilted up to one hundred and nineteen megawatts. This strategy boosted the power production capacity to six hundred and thirty six Mega-watts from one hundred Mega-watt and in 1965, it was reached to 781 Megawatt.

Energy status During 60s

Pakistan sign up an accord with India during 1960s known as known as Indus water treaty. This treaty ensured the persistent water supply for almost ten years. With the assistance of the World Bank dams such as (Terbela and Mangla) were assembled. Later on River Kabul, Warsak Dam was also constructed. These dams have a capability of Power production of 3478, 1000 and 243 Mega-watt. WAPDA puts dual units of the coal power plant in Quetta in 1963 giving production capability of 7.5 each. The inaugurated capacity climbed from 636 Mega-watt to 1331 Mega-watt in 1970 to 1975.

Energy status During 80s

In 1980s, power production capability stayed approximately 3000 Mega-watt. During 1980s, WAPDA incapable to establish new developments headed to an extreme energy scarcity. To meet up power requirements government initiated HUB and LAKHRA power scheme during 1985-1986. A program was devised in 1985 to defeat the energy crunch and the government permitted the private sector to establish thermal energy plants. Consequently, the oil-centered HUB power plant commences in 1991. HUBCO energy plant had an inaugurated capability of 1200 Mega-watt.

Energy status During 90s

In 1992, the government proposed a privatization of the energy division. Beneath this WAPDA was steadily Privatized & PEPCO (Pakistan Electric Power Company) was formed. The thermal energy production capabilities of WAPDA were renovated into GENCO’s (three generation companies). NTDC (National Transmission and  Distribution Company) the delivery system of WAPDA was partitioned into DISCO’s (9 distribution companies) and granted PEPCO’s command.
During 1997, NEPRA was designed to permit licenses for production and spread of electric energy and to decide rates for production and supply firms. During 1992 to 2007 electricity production inclined to more than doubled.
Under CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) 13 out 19 power plans have been finalized, which has reduced the underperformance. Left Over 6 plans will assist to eradicate the deficit and make Pakistan an adequate state in words of electrical energy.


Generation Of Electrical Energy

The electrical energy is produced by different techniques. Status of electrical energy production in 2019-2020 is as follows:





Furnace Oil




Natural Gas Furnace Oil


Regasified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG)




Hydroelectric Power



IEA (International Energy Agency) forecasted that by 2025 the requirement for electricity in Pakistan will rise up to 49 Kilo Mega-Watts.

How to reduce electricity bill in pakistan

Day by day price rises is climbing & it turn out to be very challenging for an individual to complete his/her family necessaries of life. Hence, it is vital to embrace such a standard of living, which make our living secure. Electrical Energy is a fundamental requirement of living, but its ever-increasing rate makes the life of our common community depressed.
Pakistani Government lent heavy loan from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to pay off its loans & in the result IMF limits Pakistani Government to boost electrical energy cost. So, it becomes vital for us to utilize electrical energy sensibly to lessen our bills to play against increased price
Simple techniques to minimize electrical bills as follows:
• Use Of Excellent Quality Wires
• Unplugging of  Plugs and Sockets when not in use
• Wear Out comfortable Clothes which not requires iron
• Safety Check Every Domestic Device Prior To Asleep
• During Peak Hours minimum use of Electricity 
• Be Vigilant At Very Last Weak Of Month
• Replenish AC’s Filters Every Month (Dirt particles block the ventilation passages & The blockage of filters uses more energy) 

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