Zain Shabab Packages

Zain Network is the most recognized telecommunications network. Zain network company was established in Kuwait in 1983 and operating in more than eight countries in the world, was the restoration in 2007. This is due to the different countries that the network is used most countries and the largest network. This network of more than 50.4 million users around. Zain Network Telecommunication Network can be used for Umrah and Hajj pilgrims. The new Zain Network SIM can be obtained from the airport and within 30 SAR which will be the initial balance of 23.4 SAR. Zain Telecommunication Network offers its customers many services such as SMS packages, call minutes and excellent internet packages. in this article we are goin to tell you Zain Shabab Packages  Zain KSA is listed below the different types of internet packages. This article will help you can easily find the Zain Data plans in Saudi Arabia that are right for you.

Zain Shabab All Packages

Zain Shabab Packages

There are best basic and premium plans available for each Zain prepaid SIM card holder customer. They can activate any of the following whenever they want. Prices are not bad either, check.

Package Name  Volume Charges  Validity How To Subscribe
Zain Shabab Daily Package  50 MB SAR 2 1 Day Type 401 Send 959
Zain Shabab one day Package 250 MB SAR 5 1 Day Type 402 Send 959

Zain Shabab Weekly Packages

Package Name  Volume Charges  Validity How To Subscribe
Zain Shabab Weekly Package  1GB SAR 15 07 Day Type 404 Send 959

Zain Shabab Monthly Packages

Package Name  Volume Charges  Validity How To Subscribe
Zain Shabab 39 Monthly Package 2 GB Data  + 2GB Internet For 
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube +
100 Minute All Local Networks
SAR 44.85 30 Days Type S39 Send 959
Zain Shabab 59 Monthly Package 5GB Internet data + 5GB For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + 400 Minutes All Local Networks SAR 67.85 30 Days Type s59 Send 959
Zain Shabab 69 Monthly Package 10 GB Internet Data +10Gb For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + 500 Minutes All Local Networks SAR 79.35 30 Days Type S69 Send 959
Zain Shabab 99 Monthly Package  20 GB Internet Data +30GB For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + 1500 Minutes All Local Networks SAR 113.85 30 Days Type S99 Send 959
Zain Shabab 149 Monthly Package 50 GB Internet Data +Unlimited data For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + 3000 Minutes All Local Networks SAR 171.35 30 Days Type S149 Send 959
Zain Shabab 179  Monthly Package 80 GB Internet + Unlimited Data For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + Unlimited Minutes All Local Networks SAR 205.85 30 Days Type S179 Send 959
Zain Shabab Monthly 199 Package 95GB Internet + Unlimited Data For Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube + Unlimited Minutes All Local Networks SAR 228.85 30 Days Type S199 Send 959
Zain Shabab Monthly 405 Package 2 GB Data Internet SAR 30 30 Days Type S405 Send 959
Zain Shabab Monthly 406 Package 4GB Internet Data SAR 50 30 Days Type 406 Send 959
Zain Shabab Monthly 407 Package 8 GB Internet Data SAR 75 30 Days Type 407 Send 959

Zain Shabab Monthly 408 Package 25GB Data + 25GB internet SAR.99 30 Days Type 408 Send 959
Zain Shabab Monthly 411 Package 100 GB Internet Data SAR 160 30 Days Type 411 Send 959

Zain Shabab 2 Month Packages

Package Name  Volume Charges  Validity How To Subscribe
Zain Shabab Two Month Package  75GB + 75GB SAR 199 2 Month Type 410 Send 959

Zain Shabab 3 Month Packages

Package Name  Volume Charges  Validity How To Subscribe
Zain Shabab 3 Month Package 30 GB Internet Data  SAR 165 3 Month Type 409 Send 959
Zain Shabab Three Month Package 100GB + 100GB Internet Data  SAR 299 3 Month Type 421 Send 959
Zain Shabab for 3 Month Package 150GB + 150GB Internet Data  SAR 399 3 Month Type 422 Send 959
Zain Shabab  Month of 3 Package  300 GB Internet Data  SAR 450 3 Month Type 414 Send 959

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to Subscribe Zain Shabab Packages ?

You can Subscribe any Zain Shabab bundle Easily with one code.

You Just Send Bundle code to 959. after Activate your bundle.

How to Check Zain Balance ?

Check your Zain balance easily Open SMS then Write New SMS Type “BC” Send it to 959.

How to Cancel Auto-renew Package ?

Just Send code to 959. All plans are automatically renewed when the plan expires. If you want to cancel auto-renewal, you can send the cancellation code and still enjoy the benefits till the end of the plan.

How to Check  your remaining Data Minutes ?

To check your remaining MB balance & Packages send SMS with (BC) to 959.

The Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to review with the Customer Company the ability to subscribe to the new package based on its customer credit history and regulatory “Sima” assessment for the new customer. Therefore, the company reserves the right to reject the customer’s request to subscribe to the new package.

Visit your nearest Zain branch for more information, or call 959 or your Zain No. 0590000959.

Also ReadZain Internet Packages Daily weekly & Monthly

Terms & Conditions 

  • Terms & Conditions will apply on Zain Shabab.
  • Zain Shabab bundles are available on all prepaid packages and crab postpaid packages (excluding Noor and Visitors)
  • Social Media: YouTube, Snap Chat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.
  • The benefits of social media cannot be shared on more than one device (hotspot).
  • All 800 and 9200 numbers and other such service numbers are not included in the local minutes.
  • VAT will only apply to recharges, and will Not Includes 15% VAT to the above prices.

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