Mcj Result 2023

Number of students are waiting for the result of 2023 year of the grade 8th class admission examination of the Military College Jhelum (MCJ), the reason for it is due to the many enrollment of the students in the written test examination for the entry of 8th class 2023, which was taking in the past months and the all of these entry test students are well desirable to take part in the Pakistan army. Although, the schedule of the result of written test examination doesn’t declared through authentic way by the administration.

Number of students are very exceptional intelligent and all of these students are very happy with this platform and after this all students are undertaking for the enrollment into the Military College Jhelum (MCJ). Moreove, Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ) has basically provided the whole admissions without any reference but when the time of picking the students come, the administration views the number of your past class. The bio data which is provided at the time of admission test is used for the positions which are possible for those students who are desired to take the enrollment on their own account.

The entrance 2023 of the Military College Jhelum (MCJ) Result of Opening Test grade 8th and first year of Intermediate classes has been published on this page. You can review the the written test result of the Middle class entrance for the Military College Jhelum (MCJ). All the applicants that give the test for the 8th class are informed that the examination results of the written test 202 for the Military College Jhelum (MCJ) have been published from the Government. For the test of intelligence and also for interview test, we have selected the given below students. The results of the Entrance Test 2023 of Military College Jhelum of the grade 8th download in PDF form.

Military College Jhelum Result 8th Class 2023

The students which are passing the examination of the class 8th and they are according to the demands form the government will be communicated through SMS or Call for the further steps like the test of intelligence and also for the interview at the many centres which are build up from the Government. Merit list of the results 2023 of Military College Jhelum (MCJ) and the results 2023 of the written test of the Military College Jhelum (MCJ) has been declared from the government.

The list of those students who successfully passed the examination of written test are shortlisted for the further work of intelligence test and interview.


Military College Jhelum (MCJ), Main GT Road, Sarai Alamgir
Gar HRDC Malir Cantt
Gar HRDC Quetta (Campus B)

The students who are participated in the intelligence test and successfully clear the test and after this clearance the test they are successful students can give the interview of the 8th class of Military College Jhelum. The students which are included in the final list will be informed through SMS or phone call.

 The entrance merit list, list of waiting students, open merit list and self account, backward positions for the merit list, the result of interview and the final successfull students list will be uploaded on this page for the help of the students. This the best platform for the students for looking the upcoming updates is published from the institute. So, you always visit this page day by day for the purpose of new updates related to the Military College Jhelum.

Military College Jhelum Entry Test Result 2023

The Military College Jhelum (MCJ) will be declared the results of the 1st year class admissions 2023 of the written examination later in the Eid Ul Fitar.

Result of Middle Class 2023 Admission Test of Military College Jhelum

The written test examination for the grade 8th of the Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ) were to be taken in the selected centres from the government in the whole country in which Sarai Alamgir, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Sargodha, Karachi, Hyderabad, Pano Aqil, Peshawar, Abottabad, Quetta, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir Muzzafarabad are included.

8th Grade Result Of Military College Jhelum

Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ) is basically the most ancient military school of the country in English medium language, and this department was to be made up on the date of 3 March, 1922 by the Prince Edward VIII and their name was to be changed the king George Royal of India Military School (KGRIMS). The Military College Jhelum (MCJ) is located at the place of Grand Trunk GT Road, near the Sarai Alamgir Jhelum.

The total area of the Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ) is almost the one hundred and seventy acres. The time table of the interview of the grade 8th admissions 2023 will be announced very soon on this page. The Raising Day of the Military College Jhelum (MCJ) on the 15 September was to be rejoiced with fully determination and also interest.

Entry Test For Grade 8th 2023 of Military College Jhelum

The students which are to be chosen for the next step, the list of those students are given on this page, and the all successful students which cleared the written test examination will be communicated in short time of period with the information for the purpose how they are continued for the next stage.

For the sons of the Muslim airman a domestic school was opened on the date of 15 September 1925, for their duties in the acknowledgment during the first world battle, along the main idea and purpose is to build up a good and intelligent educated representative of the British Indian Army Rank.

The department was formatted again and also the name was to changed in the year of 1943 the King George Royal Indian Military College for the aim to made up the people educated in the upcoming time for the positions of Army Officers. In the year 1947, when the Pakistan is come into existence the name of the  Military College Jhelum was to be changed at that time and it’s new name was to be Royal Pakistan Military College Jhelum. The Rawalpindi Federal Board of the Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) is to be connected with the Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ).

1st Year Result 2023 Of Military College Jhelum

All of those students who are take part into the written test examination and all of these students are waiting for the results, they are informed that the results 2023 of the written test have been declared from the government. The students are selected after the written test examination result for the test of intelligence and for interview.

Self Finance Result 2023 Of Military College Jhelum

The students which are successfully clear the test of written test and they are according to the demands will be included and they are communicate for the next stage of intelligence test and for interview at the assertive centers in the whole country.

Entry Test Result 2023For 1st Year Of Military College Jhelum

At the time of viewing the result of Military College Jhelum and the Merit List of Class 8th , if you have faced any problem related to the result kindly share your problem in the given below comment section and we will sort out your problem very quickly.

Result 2023 Of Military College Jhelum (MCJ)

Most of the students are facing the problem at the time of check their results through online method on the authentic web page of Military College Jhelum at At the time, when you received your searching, the late time can be occured in loading the web page of Military College Jhelum. The final examination results and time table for the Military College Jhelum interviews will be published very soon on our website when the Military College announced this updates.

The every student is wish that he will become an officer in the future time and he want to give his services for his country along the best quality of his efforts and he will become a worker for their country. And this is a very good platform for these kinds of students.

The Pakistan Military College Jhelum conducts the entry test for the students in every year. The new and old students both can give an application through the method of download the criteria of Pakistan Military College Jhelum or the other platform for them is that they can gain rough idea from the Bank Draft or they can delivered for the purpose of Incharge of Cadet School Jhelum.

The main and important goal of Pakistan Military College Jhelum is to educate the students very well and also raising them consciously, fundamentally and naturally. Also encouraging called for administration attributes for the interpretation duty to Pakistan Military in the individual sectors and also in the private community.

At that time, they demand to see the declaration of configuration and they sit very inflexible for their name on the running and after this school will prepared a manageable test for these students. The new and pastly students will be selected who are will complete the activity then after the conference, new and pastly students will be selected who will get the guidance and also build up at the Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ).

Middle Grade Result 2023 Of Military College Jhelum

The result 2023 for the grade 8th of the Military College Jhelum (MCJ) has been declared from the government on their authentic website page and all students can easily view their final examination results through the click on the option of check result on their personal website.

The result of the middle class 2023 has been published on the Military College Jhelum personal web page. You can view your examination result through the available button of check result on their official website and then you give your Roll Number or give your Registration Number for the purpose of viewing your result 2023 of Military College Jhelum (MCJ).

Candidates Short Listed For Intelligence Test And Interview

The list of students which are short listed for the intelligence test and for interview are give below:

When the final result of the written test examination for the class 8th is announced then you can accessible for the complete details about the results 2023 due to the reason is that the Institution just published the Roll Number of which students that successfully clear the written test examination. Additionally, the students which are not clear the written test can give the test again in the upcoming year with the full homework.

When the students done thier matriculation exams, this institution forward many students to the variety of academies for example Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy and in these academies the students get the 2 years period time whole training and after the completion of thier 2 years training they again come back to this department for the purpose of their further education.

The Military College Jhelum (MCJ) campus is providing very good and best education to the all students and also providing them the army training, the reason for this training is that when the all students are completed thier education from this institute then they can easily get jobs in Pakistan army. The well educated and experienced teachers and trainers provide their duties for the students of Military College Jhelum.

The all administration of Pakistan Military College Jhelum is basically examine the each student for providing them good quality education. The Pakistan Military College Jhelum (MCJ) is currently working in the supervision of the Pakistan Military. On the different kinds of schedule,the institute had managed the variety of sports galas between the students.

The results of the grade 8th of Military College Jhelum for the admission test 2020, 2021 and 2023 and all the details which is related to this result is described on this page and if you have any problem or any kind of question regarding to Pakistan Military College Jhelum then you can call on these numbers which are given below.

Military College Jhelum (MCJ) Contact Numbers

Civil Numbers: 0544-650581, 0544-650582 (Extension 2248, 2255 & 2209)

Army Numbers: 8041-33511,33512,33513 (Extension 2248, 2255 & 2209)

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