If you are looking for jazz cash charges when sending and receiving money. then this article is for you. Jazz Cash was launched a few years ago with the help of mobile phones to transfer money from one place to another. In fact, both users create jazz cash accounts on their Jazz Sims. When the account is created successfully, the owner can send or receive money very easily all over Pakistan. Jazz is the big telecom service provider in Pakistan. He also bought and merged Warid. The company is now known only as Jazz. Mobilink launches MobilCash service for mobile money transfers This service is now known as Jazz Cash. in this article we will tell you the Jazz cash charges List with complete details.


Jazz cash charges List 

This Jazz Cash Mobilink is Jazz’s best and best move. Remittances are now much faster and faster. This money transfer process is completed with the help of mobile phones. If you have your CNIC and valid mobile phone number, you can easily send and receive money using the JazzCash production platform.

Opening your own account is highly recommended, as it will enable the individual to enjoy many discounts while sending and receiving money. You will find this service agent in almost every city, town, and village of Pakistan. This service has been greatly expanded and even in small and remote villages of Pakistan, we see the work of this service. Here is the list of the latest Jazz Cash Charges for you. Jazz customers who withdraw or send cash from the Jazz Cash service have to pay a fixed proportion of “Jazz Cash Charges”. The schedule of charges for each return is different. We have given full details and a list of charges below.


To these valued customers, JazzCash has waived the customer charges for JazzCash mobile account transactions with the following notices. The following transactions will be absolutely free from both USSD and mobile app channels.



Through JazzCash Agent, Mobilink Bank Branch or Jazz Point Send Money from CNIC to CNIC Charges



Transaction Slabs Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs. 0 to 1,000 Rs.60.00
Rs.1,001 to 2,500 Rs.120.00
Rs.2,501 to 4,000 Rs.180.00
Rs.4,001 to 6,000 Rs.240.00
Rs.6,001 to 8,000 Rs.300.00
Rs.8,001 to 10,000 Rs.350.00
Rs.10,001 to 13,000 Rs.400.00
Rs.13,001 to 15,000 Rs.450.00
Rs.15,001 to 20,000 Rs.600.00
Rs.20,001 to 25,000 Rs.750.00



Cash Withdrawal from Mobile Account through JazzCash Agent Charges:

Transaction Amount Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs.1To 200 Rs.7.00
Rs.201To 500 Rs.12.00
Rs.501To 1,000 Rs.20.00
Rs.1,001To 2,500 Rs.40.00
Rs.2,501To 4,000 Rs.70.00
Rs.4,001To 6,000 Rs.100.00
Rs.6,001To 8,000 Rs.130.00
Rs.8,001To 10,000 Rs.180.00
Rs.10,001To 13,000 Rs.230.00
Rs.13,001To 16,000 Rs.280.00
Rs.16,001To 20,000 Rs.330.00
Rs.20,001To 25,000 Rs.380.00
Rs.25,001 To 30,000 Rs.470.00
Rs.30,001To 40,000 Rs.560.00
Rs.40,001To 50,000 Rs.690.00



Send Money from CNIC to Bank Account Charges:

Transaction Amount Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs.0 – 1,000 Rs.35.00
Rs.1,001 – 2,500 Rs.50.00
Rs.2,501 – 4,000 Rs.65.00
Rs.4,001 – 6,000 Rs.80.00
Rs.6,001 – 8,000 Rs.90.00
Rs.8,001 – 10,000 Rs.105.00
Rs.10,001 – 13,000 Rs.120.00
Rs.13,001 – 15,000 Rs.130.00
Rs.15,001 – 20,000 Rs.165.00
Rs.20,001 – 25,000 Rs.200.00
Rs.25,001 – 30,000 Rs.250.00
Rs.3,0001 – 40,000 Rs.325.00
Rs.40,001 – 50,000 Rs.400.00



Transactions through your personal JazzCash Mobile Account Charges:


Send Money from Mobile Account to CNIC:

Transaction Amount Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs.0 – 1,000 Rs.55
Rs.1,001 – 2,500 Rs.110
Rs.2,501 – 4,000 Rs.160
Rs.4,001 – 6,000 Rs.215
Rs.6,001 – 8,000 Rs.270
Rs.8,001 – 10,000 Rs.320
Rs.10,001 – 13,000 Rs.375
Rs.13,001 – 15,000 Rs.430
Rs.15,001 – 20,000 Rs.500
Rs.20,001 – 25,000 Rs.650



Send Money from Mobile Account to Bank Account Charges:

Transaction Amount Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs.1-500 Rs.15.00
Rs.501-1,000 Rs.20.00
Rs.1,001-2,500 Rs.40.00
Rs.2,501-4,000 Rs.60.00
Rs.4,001-5,000 Rs.80.00



Jazz Cash ATM Withdrawal Charges:

Transaction Amount Charges (Tax) Fees
Rs.500-1000 Rs.20
Rs.1,500-2,500 Rs.35
Rs.3,000-4,000 Rs.60
Rs.4,500-6,000 Rs.90
Rs.6,500-8,000 Rs.120
Rs.8,500-10,000 Rs.160
Rs.10,500-13,000 Rs.200
Rs.13,500-16,000 Rs.250
Rs.16,500-20,000 Rs.300
Rs.20,500-25,000 Rs.340
Rs.25,500-30,000 Rs.420
Rs.30,500-40,000 Rs.500
Rs.40,500-50,000 Rs.620


  • The cost of withdrawing cash from your mobile account will be deducted. The agent does not need to pay cash.
  • Cash deposits in mobile accounts are completely free. There are no charges payable to the agent.
  • The transaction limits are applicable.
  • All fees / charges are FED compliant.
  • ATM cash withdrawal through MTML will be effective.
  • ATM Cash Withdrawal of more than Rs. 20,000 will be applicable.
  • ATM cash back charges do not apply to corporate customers.
  • Freelancers will be allowed to withdraw 2 free ATMs in a month on receipt of remittances.
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