How To Get The Income Certificate Online In The Pakistan?


One of the main objectives of our government is to organize and develop the country and to keep in mind the different needs of the people as a whole and to give a push wherever necessary and both the state and central governments. However, in a country where the population is in the billions and it is difficult to identify who is actually entitled to what kind of benefits, the government has a variety of ways to present accurate evidence. One such type of certification is the Income Certificate and is used to take advantage of schemes where eligibility is determined on the basis of the annual income of an individual or his family. 

An income certificate is usually issued by an authority under the state government and is a document that verifies the annual income of a person by all means. The actual authority issuing such certificates varies from state to state.


And the income certificate is issued to the citizen by the government and as a proof their annual income confirms all the sources of income and the income certificate is used as legal proof to avail various subsidies and schemes. 



Income certificate

Income Certificate is a human need and this is what the government of Pakistan does to show that you can get a lot of benefits. If you have an income certificate, the government will arrest you or convict you if you offer any fine. If you have an illegal entry of your money, if you have an income certificate, you will not face any kind of problem because you have a certified copy of All ready Let which You will not be found guilty under the Act as it is very important for you to have an income certificate as you are a citizen of Pakistan.


There are many benefits of Income Support Scheme like you can save your money safely and with the help of Income Certificate you can also think about the best business in Pakistan and there are many such resources. We will talk to you about all the details about Income Certificate and share our discussions with you. You will benefit if you read all the details of this page carefully because if If you do not know how to make a poor person, we will provide you with all the details on this page so that you can know how to make an income certificate and how to discuss it. In my work I can count it and some important things we share with you. The following verse contains some information about the income certificate that may benefit you.



What Is The Income Certificate?

The actual authority issuing such a certificate differs from state to state. It is usually the village tehsildar who issues the certificate but in many states and union territories also district magistrates and collectors and revenue circle officers and sub divisional magistrates or other district officials are appointed for this purpose. In some parts of India, this certificate is also called US certificate, which stands for economically weak section certificate.


An income certificate is a documentary statement that declares the annual income of an individual or a family by all means, including salary and daily wages and pensions and business and property, and rents and remittances from foreign members. The Income Certificate is a necessary document for those who expect any financial assistance from the government and make plans or seat reservations in education programs.


What Is The Income?

Income means regular income or financial gain from someone who is working for an organization and doing wages or business. It does not limit an employee’s salary & various pensions & worker’s daily wage & worker’s weekly wage & profit from business & consultancy charges & agency work commissions & any other regular financial benefits. Other income is considered primarily employee bonuses, accrued interest & profits from shares and stock markets & property rent & profits on the sale of assets and gifts and inheritance.



How To The Income Calculate?

Income is calculated in two ways Individual income and family income When we calculate individual income or family income, there is a risk of being included in the income list which is not income or is exempt from the list and here we find The list of income will be considered or not considered and how we reach the final income of a person or family. How income is calculated and details as an individual and a family.



What Is The Calculating Individual Income?


1. Income From The Salary?

 Basic pay & Special pay & Dearness allowance & Deputation pay & Other allowances if any considered as income. Exclusions are House Rent Allowance & Traveling Allowance &  Honorarium received special work


2. Income from Business &  Profession? 

Business income mainly calculated on the basis of Income Tax Return Filing If person is non assesses & income will be considered the declaration of the assesses


3. Income from Pension?

 Pension Payment Order is main criteria to calculate income pension. It excludes commutation amount


4. Income from Daily Wages & Labour? 

Declaration from daily laborer to considered for calculating daily wage income


5.Income from Property Produces? 

Declaration & proof of produce sale to considered for Property Produce Income


6. Income from Property Transaction? 

Amount in Sale deed or acquisition transaction document to considered as income


7. Income from Rented Property & Building? 

The Income will be deducting & annual maintenance charges


8. Other income sources?

Income form share trading & deposit interest & interest from bonds etc



What Is The  uses of Income Certificate?

Income Certificate Income Certificate An official document issued by the State Government detailing the annual income of the applicants and the families of the applicants and the important information stated in the certificate of the family obtained from various sources as per the records of the specific financial year. Details about Annual Income and Sample Certificate of Income Certificate Important Information Available in the form of Income Certificate The following Applicants Name Parent & Guardian Basic Applicant Name Town & District & State & etc. Applicants Address & Income Certificate What is the use of the Annual Income Certificate for the date of the financial year applicable for the signature and issuance of the issuance seal of the State Government Authority in the Income Certificate? 


The details provided are legally binding on the applicant for various government sponsored schemes and subsidies as an income proof at the time of enrollment or application and some common uses of the certificate are in the reserved category in an educational institution. Subsidies or free medical care for access to financial aid and scholarships for economically disadvantaged students and the use of various government-sponsored welfare schemes and significant benefits such as old age pensions from the government or access medical benefit.


  • Educational institutions usually have quota reserved the people from economic poorer background. This certificate helps the secure admission either free of cost or concession
  • Scholarships offered or some institution % governments targeting the upliftment of poor
  • Availment of medical benefits like free treatment & subsidized medicines & financial assistance the mothers who birth to girl child etc
  • Obtaining loans from government employers at  concessional rate of interest
  • Providing relief victims of various calamities & disasters
  • Widows can claim government pension &
  • Claiming entitlement to hostel & flats & other such government accommodation



The Income Certificate Issue Officer In The Pakistan?

1. District Collector

2. Deputy Collector

3. Asst Collector

4. District Magistrate

5. Sub Divisional

 6. Magistrate

7. Tahsildar

8. Naib Tahsildar

8. Prant Officer

9. Block Development Officers

10 Zonal Deputy Tahsildar

11. Mamlatdar

12. Revenue Circle Officer

13. Village Officer



How To The Apply Income Certificate in Pakistan?

  • Regular Income certificate can purchased from National Savings Centre & Pakistan Post Office & authorized branch of a Scheduled Bank & the State Bank of Pakistan.
  • Request & the pay form the SC- 1 Application form & read the instruction carefully fill it.
  • Regular Income Certificate can purchased by depositing cash to Issuing Office by presenting  cheque & draft & the Certificate shall be issued immediately cash payment 4. In case of deposit through cheque & draft & pay order &  Certificate shall be issued with effect from the date of realization the cheque & draft & pay order after receiving clearance advice
  • Applicant note that there is investment limit of minimum is Rs. 50000 &  maximum investment limits
  • Submit to the attending officer & the filled application form & attach all required documents.



The Income Certificate Application Form?

The person who obtains a certificate of income for a particular purpose and first checks that the information and possibilities of the desired purpose have given it some form. For example, most of the admission prospects for educational programs should have a standard format for affixing income certificates. You can download it and in addition, many states have implemented online services that make various services hassle-free, including applying for an income certificate and before you apply for an income certificate. Consider what your application is accompanied by supporting documents.


Income certificate


Required Documents For The Income Certificate?


1. Income Proof? 

Salary Certificate & Statement for the Govt employee & IT Return for Non-Government Employee & IT Return Affidavit for Self employed & Business person



2. ID Proof? 

Driving License & Passport Copy & Photo identity card issued by Government & National ID Card & Any Authorized document that considered.


3.Address Proof?

Self attested copy & Voter ID Card & Passport Card & LPG Gas Bill or Any Home Bill Copy & Driver License & address proof Document Copy.



What is The Easiest Way To Get An Income Certificate?

  • Most states and administrations have activities and a dedicated website through which to 1. Go to respective State & District online portal to apply for certificate
  • Register by creating account on website with  unique username & the password with mobile number
  • Login  your account & look for the Apply for income certificate such similar terms
  • Open the online application & your personal details need to filled or uploaded. Such the details including as.


1. Name & Age & DOB, address Including district  & City & village & Gen etc

2. Ration card & Driving License & Voter ID or other ID proof

3. Id card/CNIC number is compulsory since it is used uniquely identify  person & prevent fraudulent claim

4. Religion & Caste & sub caste

5. Whether SC & ST & OBC & details

6. Parent income certificate & Income tax Form 16  employer & Salary certificate etc. Proof of income require attestation by Government Officers

Rent & Maintenance & Electricity & telephone &  other utility bills & proof address.

7. Affidavit declaration &  all particulars stated the application is true.


After submitting all the documents, rely on the structure offered by the concerned state and submit the application either to the office of the local district authority or upload it online, depending on the state to which it applies. Application for nominal fee and after that the certificate will be accepted within 10 to 15 days.


The Validity Of Income Certificate?

Generally, the date of issuance of Income Certificate is for a period of one year and some states and administrative divisions provide a different period of 3 months to 4 years for Income Certificate.



There is an official income tax paper which is now considered very important. Based on the income certificate, no one will be able to convict himself due to any illegal occupation as he has an income from the government. Extract is available and we have shared with you all the details of making and doing it above. You can read all the details carefully and benefit from it. If you do not understand, you can ask any question in the comment box and ask about the income certificate. First you need to read this page. Thanks.

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