441 Patwari and Additional Patwari Jobs 2023

As the population of Pakistan increases, the government is working to create more jobs to match the demand. One of these jobs is the patwari position. The government has now announced that there will be 441 patwari and additional patwari positions open in 2022. If you are interested in applying for one of these jobs, read on for more information!

441 Patwari and Additional Patwari Jobs 2023

In order to avoid a manpower shortage and meet revenue demand, it has been decided that 441 Patwaris will be recruited. The recruitment process should take 17 years or more!

The Finance Department has approved posts of 441 Patwaris for Lahore. They will be paid a basic salary and other benefits which amount to 216 million per year! In 79 circles around the city, not only do they get this high pay but also extra charges when dealing with certain situations like code blue emergency responder services.”

اور 362 اضافی پٹواری، 441 پٹواری اسامیاں
بنیادی تنخواہ اور دیگر مراعات گریڈ نمبر آسامی شہرگریڈتعداد آسامیشہر
ضلعی سطح پر اناسی پٹواریوں کی نئی آسامیاںگریڈ 979لاہور
پٹوار کورسگریڈ 958تحصیل کینٹ
پٹوار کورسگریڈ 997تحصیل سٹی
پٹوار کورسگریڈ 961تحصیل رائے ونڈ
پٹوار کورسگریڈ 962تحصیل ماڈل ٹاؤن
پٹوار کورسگریڈ 984تحصیل شالیمار

441 Patwari and Additional Patwari Jobs 2022 have been announced by the National Testing Service in Pakistan. The applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for these positions. The age limit for the candidates is 18-30 years. Both male and female candidates are eligible to apply for patwari jobs. Candidates will be selected on basis of merit. The last date to apply is ________.

The applications can be submitted online at the official website of the National Testing Service. The candidates will have to pay a test fee of Rs. _________ in order to apply for these jobs. The written test will be held on ___________. The candidates who pass the written test will be called for an interview.

The candidates who are selected for these jobs will be paid a salary of Rs. ________ per month. These positions offer a great opportunity for the candidates to start their career in the government sector. So, if you fulfill the eligibility criteria, then apply now and grab this chance.

If you are interested in one of the 441 Patwari and Additional Patwari Jobs 2022, be sure to check back often for updates.

Best of luck!

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