All Punjab Bise Board Matric Part 1 Part 2 Date Sheet 2023? 


The Punjab government has announced the examinations of all the boards across the province which were delayed due to non-performance. Now the examinations will be held again as per the new schedule. According to the Punjab Board Matric Date Sheet 2017, we will go for the exam in all the cities for which the date sheet has been made.

Last year because exams were not held due to this dangerous epidemic and ninth and eleventh grade students were transferred to the next classes without exams but this time it will not happen. That this year, for the first time, students will not pass without exams.


Education ministers across the country have decided that the exams will be taken anyway. In the next day, the federal capital Islamabad, Punjab, Baluchistan and Gilgit-Baltistan Punjab will now go for exams in Sindh, Sindh and all the cities across the country. Apply for admissions to your next classes. Here comes the prayer. As students have already lost a year because it is impossible to get admission in the next classes without passing the exam, so nothing like this will happen this time. All students will have to pass exams so that they can continue their education.

In board exams, it usually happens that the date sheet is issued 30 days before the exam, so this year it will be the same and it is estimated that the date sheet will come in June and the students will give their exams according to the students. Matriculation or FSC examinations Not are mostly taken in June and July. According to this, it will be the same this year. After the examinations, the results will be announced three months later. There are currently 25 boards working in Pakistan. About eight to ten BIS ports, including the FBISI chief, join the Intermediate Second, with eight in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 8 in Sindh 6 and two in Baluchistan. Exams are held in what has happened.


The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education is one of the first boards in the Punjab province of Pakistan and is implementing new strategies and new procedures. These are the most done in the province. Every year the SSC boards are considered. Each year the SSC Board rises in another Part-II examination which is a one-time voting test which is then prepared by matriculation results after a couple of difficult words presented to the student. This is done through the intermediate truck in which the results of the board are compiled and in Pakistan it is done through all these boards.


The country of Pakistan has faced many difficulties due to Karuna which has reached the students as earlier the matriculation examinations were conducted in March but this time it did not happen then in 2020 the student examinations were canceled. And they were promoted, which caused a lot of harm to the children, and if they were promoted, the exams would be conducted in a new way in 2022 this year. But this time the government has decided that the children will not be accepted. Every effort will be made, no matter how many emergencies arise.

At the end of this page we will discuss with you all the details of the matriculation exams and the date sheet in which you will know why the matriculation exams are taken and why they are conducted and their What is the date but the condition is that you have to read all the details of this page. The following are all the details.



Now we are talking about the Federal Board. The Federal Board is an international board from which people from all over the world take sports exams. Matriculation Date Sheet for Annual Examinations 2015 has been announced in Abad. As per the schedule issued, Tenth Examinations and Mental Examinations will start from . However, according to the Annual Examination Board of Intermediate Secondary Education Islamabad  June 23, the papers have already been studied in the institutions as per their date sheet below.


There will be years of Federal Board exams because it is very important that when people do not pass the matriculation board, then they go to the next stage. If you have passed the matriculation exams and you have the certificate, then you will go to the next stage. The next stage is intermediate and after intermediate you choose a university and Then they are held in your room so it is important that you have matriculated. Matriculation exam is very important. The government did not conduct exams in 2021.But this year they have made an important announcement that this year the federal government will take all the students and in any case their own. Their first exam will be held in June and we will announce their result which will be in class. All their papers have been processed and now students can go to school and college without hesitation and take their exams.


The State Board Of The Examinations?

Material for State Board Examinations We are often referred to as these Certificates and Higher Secondary Sunnah Examinations. These examinations are conducted by the Boards of Education of different states in the country. And not taken at the same time due to differences between the exams. Exams usually take place in the months of February and March and the results come out in May and June and apply for the exams in November stating the current academic status. Admission card of the prescribed examination hall is required to be studied. The beginning of examination in schools should be about twenty  to twenty five days.


Examinations are being offered for different provinces. Tenth class students are taking exams in subjects after five minutes in which English-Urdu Islamic Mathematics and Science and Oriental Studies book is the only option to choose six subjects of their choice. You have the computer science information technology music whatsapp physical education and all the other boxes you have. One of the biggest actions you have is That through biology you can choose medicine and through meth you can choose engineering and computer if you choose then you can go into any field of IT.

 It depends on you people because you have to choose bio. Now you can choose any book and the second thing is that science, commerce and the stream of such science focuses on natural general and mathematics, so the important subjects are English physics and chemistry. The student is required to choose between biology and computer science and information technology and artificial intelligence technology and biology and economics and geography. Vocational subjects like these are offered in the school.


In the mainstream of commerce, students are trained for business administration, trade, and rhetoric. The main subjects in this series are related to English economics and business, marketing by schools and such as taxis and banking and interviews and geography and history. Mathematics etc. All these disturbing subjects are offered and English and History and Geography, Politics and Economics are also offered to the student. It depends on the student which book he has if he has it in any book. If interested, he can choose matriculation in any book of his choice and then he can’t give his extreme.


If you want to take the matriculation exams, you have to choose these books and then you can go for the matriculation exams, so it is important that you prepare the meters well and Choose books and the school also offers some as a subject. Take some and some are offered as a subject like Islam and society and some you have to keep optional. Some schools do not offer such. Business Administration in all three streams. Essays of National Economics and Economics and Fine Physical Education National Geography books are presented to you farmers and you can give exams of these three subjects according to your intelligence. This Federal Board and all such boards of Pakistan can publish this book. You can take the government tradition of matriculation by which you are promoted to the next class. This is a very important board which we call the first step. After doing this, you will be admitted in Intermediate.


The Matric Examination Procedure?

Exams are available simultaneously in each country to ensure that the questions are not already in the time zone. Security is usually provided for these exams as these matriculation exams are very important. And it is very important to tighten its security. If we do not tighten its security, then students can pass by copying from each other. There is no benefit for this. Are distributed and the above is closely guarded until the examination is started. Included in the examination papers. The rich are not followed.

Where a candidate has to travel to different schools to take the exam to ensure impartiality from the candidates, that is why the candidate presents the self-identification number on the answer sheet at the top of the paper. It is in accordance with the Sunnah of the government, so it is very important to take care of its security. When you tighten its security, then you can pass the students’ exams to see if it can take the matriculation exam or not. And that is, if you are going to take the matriculation exam, you should eat with full preparation.

When you do not go to different places in different schools, you are supervised differently. If you are caught setting while monitoring, you will be prosecuted by the government, so it is important that you prepare for your exams. Go and pass your power then the government gets your paper on top of a car and then you are given when you give up then you are checked then after checking you have your Is presented to the people so it is important that you go with your full preparation and give your exams better.


The Old Notifications & Date Sheet?


Punjab Board of Companies Chairman SSC has announced Matric Date Sheet for all Boards of Punjab for SSC Part One and SSC Part Two. The third wave of examinations have been delayed due to Corona virus and Now the examinations will be started in 2021 out of the chase. First there will be SSC Part One Tahana and then there will be SSC Part One examinations. Matric class date sheet operation has been done on 2019. This late sheet 22 Bahawalpur Board DG Khan Board and Faisalabad Board, Gujranwala Board and Lahore Board were announced for all the boards of Punjab. This notification is old but now according to the notification, Sitara will be made Afghan and also in the ninth exams. The result will be given. We will present you the notification of new schedule at the bottom of this page according to which the old date was canceled but you have held the date sheet which will let you know the date of your exams. 


9th & 10th All Punjab board Matric Date Sheet 2021?

1. Matric 10th class 19 June 2021.

2. Intermediate 12th class 6 July 2021.

3. Matriculation 9th class 20 July 2021.

4. Intermediate 11th class 5 August 2021.


Fifty percent of the Matric and Intermediate Practical months in Practical will not be given to all students while the remaining 50 percent of marks will be given to those who can steal the marks. According to the latest fiction, the annual board exams of 9th and 10th classes will start from June 30. The result will be declared on August 31, 2021. Similarly, the annual board exams of 11th and 12th classes will start from July 2021. The results will be announced on September 30, 2021


The Punjab Board Name?

1. Lahore

2. Gujranwala

3. Sargodha

4. Bahawalpur

5. DG Khan

6. Faisalabad

7. Sahiwal

8. Multan

9. Federal Board


New Date Sheet For Punjab Board Exams 2022 9th class exams 2022 & 10th class exams 2022?


The SSC and HEC have decided all the exams and they will be held in 2021 and the date sheets of all the boards have been presented through which you will not have to go this year. Therefore, it is important that you prepare for your exams and take your exams with full preparation keeping in mind the date sheet. Below is the date sheet.


9th Class Exam Date Sheet 2022?

1. Matericulation 9th Class BISE Lahore Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

2.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Sahiwal Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

3.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Gujranwala Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

4.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Multan Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

5.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Faisalabad Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

6.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE DG Khan Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

7.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Bahawalpur Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

8.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Rawalpindi Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

9.  Matericulation 9th Class BISE Sargodha Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 27 July to 10 August 2021 & Result Declaration 29 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)


10th Class Exam Date Sheet 2022?

1. Matericulation 10th Class BISE Lahore Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 June to 1 July 2021 & Result Declaration 30 August 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

2.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Sahiwal Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 June to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

3.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Gujranwala Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

4.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Multan Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

5.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Faisalabad Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

6.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE DG Khan Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 October 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

7.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Bahawalpur Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30  august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

8.  Matericulation 10th Class BISE Rawalpindi Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)

9.  Matericulation 10th

 Class BISE Sargodha Board & Date Of Conducting Examination 17 june to 1 july 2021 & Result Declaration 30 august 2021 (After 60 Days Of Examination)


9th Class Books Names?

1. arbic

2 English

3 Bio/Comp

4 Math

5 Phy/Isl 

6 Pak Study

7 Isl comp

8 Chem/GS

9 Urdu comp


10th Class Books Name?

1 Arabic

2 English

3 Chemistry/GS

4 Urdu

5 Physics

6 Math

7 Biology/Computer

8 Isl Comp

9 Pak Study



9th and 10th class This is the board class. Its exams are conducted all over Pakistan. I am promoted to the class who passes the truck exam which we also do intermediate. If he wants to pass the intermediate exam then he can. He goes to graduate but there is a difference in the first stage. It is very important to pass the matriculation exam. We talk about the date sheet of the matriculation. Was promoted in class but it did not happen in the year 2021. Government of Pakistan announced that in any case matriculation exams will be conducted so this time the date sheet of matriculation exam has come Provided with more details. Thanks.

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