32 A Challan Form
Today In this Article we are going to tell you
How to Download 32a challan form All formats?
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What is 32A Challan?
Challan 32A is often used for various purposes such as admission
fees, bank transfers, and insurance and filing these fees to county court
and hearings and filing these fees to government officials for individual
and local purposes. So here we download the legal challan 32A form and fill
it out online.32a challan form in excel
First of all you should know about 32 A challan form. If you want to
deposit government fee then you use 32 A challan form. If someone
sale old newspaper of government or any other goods then he use this challan
for depositing government fee. 32 A challan form consist of two pages. One
for bank and other for customer. Amount of government is deposited in
national bank of Pakistan or State Bank of Pakistan. Amount is
transferred in favor of government of Pakistan.
Therefore, tax money is collected from the public. The top management uses
different parties to benefit the whole party. In this way, the existing
authority was strengthened and work gradually began in the provinces. Now
everyone knows that the real purpose of Shalan is necessary for the
development of the country.
32 A Method of filling form.
It is very easy to fill 32 A challan form.
- Step 1:Name of person who is depositing money in favor of government of
Pakistan. Please write name clearly. - Step 2:Write address of office where person is working. Always mention
address clearly. - Step 3:In this column mention about payment. Nature of payment. Why
person is depositing money in bank. - Step 4:Write amount clearly in amount column.
- Step 5:If someone who is depositing government fee and he is government
employee. Then always mention his name clearly. - At the end attach signature of person who is depositing money in favor of