Islamic baby names according to date of birth

Islamic baby names are one of the most fascinating topics in Islamic culture. Each name has a story and meaning behind it that is often reflective of important moments or symbols in Islam. What’s more, the naming process is steeped in tradition and carries with it significant implications for the child. This blog post will explore some of the most popular Islamic baby names according to date of birth.

Islamic baby names according to date of birth can be a helpful way to choose a name for your child. There are many websites that offer lists of Islamic baby names, sorted by date of birth. This can be a useful starting point for choosing a name that is meaningful to you and your family. You may also want to consult with a religious leader or other expert to get guidance on choosing an appropriate name. Ultimately, the decision is up to you, but using date of birth as a guide can help you narrow down your options and choose a beautiful name for your baby.

Baby Names According To Date Of Birth In Islam

If you are looking for an Islamic baby name, you can use the date of birth to find a meaningful name. There are many sources that list Islamic baby names according to the date of birth. You can consult with a religious scholar or search online for a list of names.

When choosing an Islamic baby name, it is important to consider the meaning of the name. The name should be meaningful and should reflect the values of Islam. You can also choose a name that is easy to pronounce and that has a good meaning.

It is also important to consider the cultural context in which the name will be used. In some cultures, it is more important to choose a name that is easy to pronounce. In other cultures, it is more important to choose a name that has a good meaning.

When choosing an Islamic baby name, you should also consider the popularity of the name. Some names are more popular than others. If you choose a name that is not very popular, it may be difficult to find people who can pronounce it correctly.

Finally, you should also consider the family tradition when choosing an Islamic baby name. In some families, it is customary to choose a name that has been used by previous generations. In other families, it is more important to choose a name that is unique and that reflects the values of Islam.

When choosing an Islamic baby name, you should consult with a religious scholar or search online for a list of names. You can also ask your friends and family for their opinion. Once you have chosen a name, you can register the name with the local registrar.

As per Islam, every individual has a unique name which is given to them according to their date of birth. There are many benefits of having a name according to one’s date of birth in Islam. It is believed that this helps in identifying a person’s character and destiny. A name also plays an important role in establishing the identity of an individual.

It is said that the first thing that Allah created was the pen and He commanded it to write. The second thing that He created was the human soul and He gave it a name. The name is an important aspect of a person’s identity and it plays a significant role in one’s life. A name can influence a person’s character, destiny, and even the course of their life.

In Islam, it is believed that every name has a meaning and a purpose. It is also believed that every individual is given a unique name which is based on their date of birth. This name reflects the characteristics and destiny of the person. It is said that this name can influence a person’s life in a positive or negative way.

There are many benefits of having a name according to one’s date of birth in Islam. It is believed that this helps in identifying a person’s character and destiny. A name also plays an important role in establishing the identity of an individual.

It is said that the first thing that Allah created was the pen and He commanded it to write. The second thing that He created was the human soul and He gave it a name. The name is an important aspect of a person’s identity and it plays a significant role in one’s life. A name can influence a person’s character, destiny, and even the course of their life.

List name according to zodiac first look at the months according to the date of birth.

21 January to 19 FebruaryBurj Dillu(Zohal)
20 February to 21 MarchBurj Hoot(Mushtari)
21 March to20 April Burjhamal(Siyara Marekh)
21 April to 21 MayBurj Soar(Siyara Zohra)
22 May to 21 June Burj Jooza(Atarad)
22 June to 23 JulyBurj Sertaan(Qamar)
24 July to 23 August Burj Asad(Shams)
24 August to 23 September Burj Sumbla(Atarad)
24 September–23 OctoberBurj Mezaan(Zohra)
24 October–22 November Burj Aqrab(Merekh)
23 November–22 December Burj Qaos(Mushtari)
23 December–20 JanuaryBurj Jaddi(Zohal)

According to them, some initial letters are also provided along with the dates. These help in providing an indication as to what the event is about. For instance, “I” is for information, “W” is for warning and “C” is for critical. In addition, they claim that the abbreviations used in the calendar are based on the Latin names of the days of the week.

The first step in deciphering the calendar is to understand the abbreviations used for the days of the week. According to The secretive society, the days of the week are abbreviated as follows:

Burj HootChay, Daal
Burj DilluSeen,Sheen,Soad,Say
Burj JaddiJeem,Gaaf,Khay
Burj QaosFay
Burj AqrabNoon,Zay,Zaal,Zoad,Zoay
Burj MezaanRay,Tay,Toay
Burj SumblaPay,Ghain
Burj Asad Meem,Taey
Burj Hamal Alif,Laam,Ain,Yea
Burj SoarBay,Wao
Burj JoozaQaaf,Kaaf
Burj SertaaHay,Haey

Naming the Child in Islam

When it comes to choosing names for their children, Muslims have a few guidelines they follow. First and foremost, the name must be pleasing to Allah. It should also be short and easy to pronounce, as well as having a good meaning.

Muslims often choose names that are associated with positive traits, such as strength, patience, or wisdom. Sometimes, names are chosen that reflect the parent’s hopes for their child, such as “Ameen” which means “honest” or “Mohammed” which means “praiseworthy.” Sometimes, Islamic names are simply beautiful and poetic, such as “Fatima” which means “captivating.”

The process of choosing a name is an important one, and should not be taken lightly. It is a lifelong gift that you are giving to your child, so it is important to choose wisely. With these guidelines in mind, you should be able to choose a beautiful and meaningful name for your little one.

Adam آدم گندمی
اشعر Asharعقل مند
Afaq آفاق آسمانی کنارے
ابان Abanواضح، ظاہر
آصف Asif ایک درخت کا نام
آریان – Aryan ترک خصوصی طور پر پسند کرتے ہی
آرش – Arishصراط مستقیم اور عظیم کام کرنے والا ہے۔
ابصار Absar بصیرت، دانائی
ابو ذر Abu Zarr پھیلانا، بکھیرنا
Abu Huraira ابو ھریرہ بلی کے بچے والا
ابیض Abyaz سفید
اثرم Asram توڑنا
اثیر Aseer بلند
اجمد Ajmadلازم، ٹھہرن
اجمل Ajmal بہت خوبصورت
احسن Ahsanبہت اچھا، عمدہ
احمد Ahmadزیادہ تعریف والا
ارشد Arshad ہدایت یافت
ارقم Arqam تحریر، نشان والا
ارمغان Armaghanتحفہ، نذر
More Islamic Names for boy & Girls click here


Islamic guidelines for choosing names are based on the belief that a name can have a positive or negative effect on a child’s life. Parents often take these guidelines into account when naming their children. While there is no one perfect formula for choosing a name, these tips can help you choose a name that is both meaningful and beneficial for your child.

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