Top 10 best private Medical colleges in Rawalpindi/Islamabad

Nowadays FSC students are preparing for National MDCAT. MDCAT will be in the last of August or the start of September. FSC pre-medical students are serious about entry tests. Each student of fsc pre medical wants to get admission to a public sector medical college. But seats in public sector medical colleges for MBBS and BDS are limited. Many students are failed to get admission to public sector medical colleges.

Then they decide to join private sector medical colleges. As you know that fees of private-sector medical colleges are too high. Some students are economically strong while some are not. This article is especially for those who are interested in private medical colleges. In this article, I will discuss a list of private-sector medical colleges in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Islamabad and Rawalpindi are home to some of the best private medical colleges in Pakistan. These colleges offer high-quality medical education and training, and their graduates are highly sought-after by employers. The following is a list of the best private medical colleges in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

1- Foundation University Medical College

Foundation University Medical College is a private sector medical college in the capital city of Islamabad. FUMC was established in 2000. This medical college is running under the supervision of the Fauji Foundation. Foundation University Medical College is affiliated with the National University Of Medical Sciences.

Fauji Foundation teaching hospital is attached to this medical college. Currently, 800 students are studying in this college. There are a total of 150 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS in FUMC.

This college has a strict environment and is famous for its medical studies. This medical college has outstanding results in MBBS and BDS.

Courses offered:

  • Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • BS- Nursing


  • (Defence Avenue, DHA Phase 1 capital city Islamabad)
  • Contact number:
  • (051) 5788250
  • Email Address:

2- Islamic International Medical College

Islamic International Medical College is a private sector medical college located in Rawalpindi. Islamic International Medical College is considered as the first private sector medical college in Pakistan. Maj. General Zulfiqar was the founder of this medical college. This medical college was established in 1996. Islamic International Medical College is affiliated with the University Of Health Sciences Lahore.

Riphah teaching hospital and International Islamic medical complex are attached to this medical college. IIMC has a total of 100 seats for MBBS. It has 50 seats for BDS.

This medical has great moral values and has an Islamic environment. International Islamic Medical College is also famous for its quality education.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery
Doctor Of Physical Therapy

(274 Peshawar Raod, Rawalpindi)
Contact Number:
+92 51 111 510 510
Email Address:

3- Shifa Medical College

Shifa Medical College is working under the supervision of Tameer e Millat University Islamabad. Shifa Medical College is a private sector medical college that is affiliated with the National University of Medical Sciences. It was established in 1998.

Shifa international hospital is attached to Shifa Medical College for rotations. Shifa Medical College has a total of 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS.

Shifa college of medicine has a good learning environment and also shows good results in examinations. The environment of this medical college is good in terms of studies.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Doctor of Physical Therapy
BS- Nursing

(NCBMS Tower, Sector H-8/4, service road Islamabad)
Contact Number:
(051) 8493007
Email Address:

4- Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Islamabad Medical and dental college is a private sector medical college that was established in 2007. The total area of this college is 7.5 acres.

Three teaching hospitals are attached for clinical rotations. Ahmad Medical complex, Social security hospital, and St. Joseph hospital are teaching hospitals of this medical college. Akbar Niazi teaching hospital is also attached to this medical college.
There are a total of 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS in IMDC.

The college has a good learning environment and they also focus on personality grooming. Overall it has a good learning environment for medical students.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery
BS- Nursing

(Wadi-ul-Ilm، Main Murree Road, Bhara Kahu, Islamabad)
Contact Number:
(051) 111 464 632
Email Address:

5- Yusra Medical and Dental College

Yusra Medical and Dental College is a private sector medical college that is situated in the capital city of Islamabad. Yusra medical college was recognized by Pakistan medical commission. This medical college is affiliated with Saheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University.

Cantonment general hospital and Yusra Hospital are attached to the medical college for clinical rotations. Currently, this medical college has 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS.

Yusra Medical College has a good environment for studies. This college also focuses on the grooming of students. Overall it is considered the best private medical college.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery

(Talha Road، Zaraj Housing Society Sector A Capital city Islamabad)
Contact Number:
+92 51 5709446

6- Al Nafees Medical College

Al Nafees Medical College is a private sector medical college that is located in Islamabad. Isra university is the parent institute of this medical college.

Al Nafees teaching hospital is attached to this medical college for clinical rotations. Currently, 1200 students are studying in this medical college. Al Nafees Medical college has 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS.

Students of Al Nafees Medical College are talented. The environment of this medical college is educational and friendly.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Doctor Of Physical Therapy

(Al – Nafees medical college, Farash town، capital city Islamabad)
Contact Number:
(051) 8439901
Email Address:

7- Rawal Institute of Health Sciences

Rawal Institute of Health Sciences is located in Rawalpindi which is offering MBBS and BDS. It was established in 2011. This medical college is affiliated with Saheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University. Rawal Institute of Health Sciences Rawalpindi is recognized by Pakistan Medical Commission.

Rawal Teaching Hospital is attached to this medical college for clinical rotations. There are a total of 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for the BDS program in Rawal Institute of Health Sciences.

Rawal Medical College is famous for its studies and also famous for its learning environment. College also focuses on the character-building of students.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery
Doctor Of Physical Therapy

(Park link Road, Islamabad)
Contact Number:
+92 51 2617388
Email Address:

8- HBS Medical and Dental College

HBS Medical is a private sector medical college that is offering MBBS and BDS. It is located in the beautiful capital city of Islamabad. This Medical College is named after the name of Hazrat Bari Sarkar.

This medical college has 500 bedded teaching hospital. This teaching hospital is attached for clinical rotations. HBS Medical and Dental College has 100 seats for MBBS and 50 seats for BDS.

HBS Medical College has an Islamic environment and is also famous for its outstanding results. Overall this college has a good learning environment.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery

(Lehtrar Road Taramri, capital city Islamabad)
Contact Number:
(051) 2243322
Email Address:

9- Fazaia Medical College

Fazaia Medical College is affiliated with Air University Islamabad. This medical college was established in 2007 under the supervision of the Pakistan Air Force.

Fazaia Teaching Hospital is attached to this medical college for clinical rotations. Fazaia Medical College has a total of 100 seats for MBBS.

Fazaia Medical College is not only famous for quality education but also famous for its discipline. The college has good learning and an Islamic environment.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery

(University Road E-9/4 E-9, capital city Islamabad)
Contact Number:
(051) 9262557

10- Margalla Institute of Health Sciences

Margalla Institute of Health Sciences is a private sector medical college located in Rawalpindi. This Medical College was established in 2003 and a total of 13 batches have been passed out.

Margalla Teaching Hospital is attached to this medical college for clinical rotations. There are 100 seats for MBBS in Margalla Institute of Health Sciences. Currently, 500 students are studying in the MBBS department of this medical college.

College is famous for outstanding results and a good learning environment.

Courses offered:

Bachelor Of Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery
Doctor Of Physical Therapy

(Quaid-E-Azam Avenue Gulrez Phase 3, Rawalpindi)
Contact Number:
0345 9599913
Email Address:

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions:

Question Number 1: Which college has the lowest fee structure?

Answer: Yusra medical college has the lowest fee structure among all private-sector medical colleges in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Question Number 2: Which college has the lowest merit of MBBS?

Answer: Al Nafees Medical College has the lowest merit of MBBS.

Question Number 3: Which college has the lowest merit of BDS?

Answer: Islamabad Medical and dental college have the lowest merit of BDS.

Question Number 4: Which college has the number 1 ranking?

Answer: Islamic International Medical College comes on number 1 for MBBS and BDS studies.

Question Number 5: Which college has a high fee structure?

Answer: International Islamic Medical College has a high fee structure as compared to other private sector medical colleges.


In this informative article, I discussed the list of best private medical colleges in Rawalpindi/Islamabad. I also discussed the courses and other facilities of these medical colleges. If you have any questions then ask questions in the comment box and we will answer your question.

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