It’s very easy process if you want to block your sim. You don’t need to visit franchisee because that process is simple and whole process online. many people want block sim online you lost and dad you just need to block sim against your cnic if you forgot to block your lost sim it can cause you a serious problem. And someone misuse your sim. Block and lost jazz sim online is a very easy way. If you have a jazz sim, you can easily block your stolen jazz sim online by dialing just a ussd code. You will no longer have to go to the jazz office, nor will you need to block the sim from a jazz representative. You can now block and your lost sim from any jazz sim with a single code. Imagine your worst nightmare becoming a reality; your mobile phone gets snatched away, no matter how expensive a handset that causes panic in the middle of a person, your sim card is misplaced, and the sim can be used as criminal.
There are a number of reasons why people want to block the sim in your name, and you have forgotten to block that sim, if someone misused your name and wants to block you suddenly. Similarly, if someone snatched your phone and noticed the first thing to block your phone. So you want to block your sim as soon as possible. No chance of losing your phone somewhere else. So you go to block your sim. here we are going to tell you Jazz sim blocking briefly. In this article we are going to share with you complete information about jazz sim block online code.
Jazz Sim Block Code
We are share with you very simple and easy method to block sim online just follow steps:
- Open Your Phone Dialer and Dial *8822# from any jazz number.
- Now Type 1 Select Block your SIM option .
- Now Type Your lost stolen Sim Number.
- After You Type 13 digits CNIC/id card number with any specs.
- Now you Type your any Friend or Family Member Mobile Number.
- And Type your Last Load Recharge amount
- After Select the Right package plan you can Active on your Jazz Sim.
- Now Few Minutes your Sim will be blocked.
Second Method : to Block Your Lost Jazz Sim card Online
In Case Not working Above Method then you follow this method hope this method working.
- Just Simply Dial Helpline Number 111 your any Jazz sim.
- After you tell block your jazz number
- They Ask your Number your CNIC number and other details.
- After Verification Block your Jazz Sim.