In this article we are going to tell you Jazz hungama unsubscribe code. we are share with you simple and easy method to unsubscribe hungama offer.

Jazz customers are complaining about a loss of balance for no reason. Some of the readers observed that hunger was being served without the consent of jazz consumers. News has burned entire social media and a customer is complaining about the issue. Therefore, users in this network are more than other networks. But many consumers get the “Active Hungama Package”. So we mentioned the Simple Method and code to help deactivate the offer.


Jazz Hungama Offer Unsubscribe

This method 100% working to unsubscribe jazz hungama offer just follow simple steps:

  • Open Messages options Write New SMS Type “unsub” Send it to 4864
  • After Few Second You will be Received confirmation SMS successfully unsubscribe the hungama offer.


Second Method How to deactivate the Jazz Hungama Offer

Another method to deactivate jazz hungama offer follow steps:
  • Open Facebook and Search Jazz official facebook page
  • Type your name and number and Request them to unsubscribe your Jazz Hungama offer.
  • After few minutes Deactivate your hungama package.

Last Method to Unsub your Hungama Package

  • In Case not working above method then you try this method must unsub your hungama offer.
  • Just Call Jazz Helpline 111 and tell unsubscribe your hungama package.
Conclusion: In this article we will give you best information about LatestJazz Hungama Unsubscribe Code. Please share this New Jazz Hungama Unsubscribe Code with your family, friends and their loved one through Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitted and Instagram so that they can be entertained these services. if you feel any problem want know more information about this Jazz Hungama Unsubscribe Code Post then comment in below.

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