How to know if someone has blocked you on whatsapp | Who Block me on Whatsapp?

How to know if someone has blocked you on whatsapp
How to know if someone has blocked you on whatsapp

How to check someone blocked you on Whatsapp?.WhatsApp often includes spammers or just people you don’t want to keep in touch with. Messenger allows you to interrupt unwanted communication by blocking contacts. But how do you know that they sent you to the blocked? There is no way to check this in the application, but here are a few indicators that a person has blocked you.

  • You can no longer see a contact’s last seen or online in the chat window.
  • You do not see updates to a contact’s profile photo.
  • Any messages sent to a contact who has blocked you will always show one check mark (message sent), and never show a second check mark (message delivered).
  • Any calls you attempt to place will not go through.
  • If you see all of the indicators above for a contact, this could mean that the user is blocking you. However, there are other possibilities. We have made this intentionally ambiguous in order to protect your privacy when you block someone. Thus, we cannot tell you if you are being blocked by someone else.
How to know if someone has blocked you on whatsapp
How to know if someone has blocked you on whatsapp

WhatsApp notes that the developers deliberately did not add any tools to check for sure  this was done primarily in order to protect the user if he decides to block someone. So, even the signs noted above can only mean that the user has not logged into the messenger for a long time or even deleted it from the smartphone.

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