Zong mahana punjab offer Weekly Monthly 2023

In this article we are going to share with you zong mahana punjab offer If you have zong sim or you are zong prepaid user then this offer for you. 


Zong is best network in pakistan. network offers a message package, call package, net package and many other features. Best feature to prove zong to your customers is balance sharing facility. Through this you can share your amount with your family and friends.Zong is a mobile payment company that allows users to micropay online in gaming and social networking web sites.

Zong is a China based telecom mobile data network and is working in Pakistan. Zong offers fast – growing network in Pakistan and offers super Internet offers and SMS packages, call packages and 4g technology to millions of users. The amount of loan that is higher than other telecom networks, such as advance balances, but the zong user does not know how to get a mahana punjab package from the zong network to the customer.

On September 26, 2013, Pakistan President jong was awarded as the fastest growing cellular network in the rawalpindi commerce and industry chamber. In 2016, zong was declared as the number 1 data network by pta. 

Zong started an operation in 1991 by cable and wireless as a packatel. The first company granted free license to run cellular phone services in Pakistan. It was done till 2004 when the company launched the GSM service. In 2003, the millicom corporation, who was the major owner of the phone and cable, bought packets. Milancom set up a new management team under the leadership of east CEO of installer, and John tumlty, chief financial officer David ordman.

Millicom international cellular s on 22nd January 2007 A. Said it will sell at $284 million to China ‘s mobile phone that is produced by Pakistan, including its cost of intercompany loan repayment. On 2007 China mobile announced it had increased its share in CMPC to 100. On 1st April 2008, it was converted to zong.

Zong Weekly Apna Shehr Punjab Offer

 Zong Punjab offer Now in your city, zong introduces specific hybrid Packages of places at unbeatable Rates. Zong Subscribers in the punjab region for punjab offer subscription can visit their nearest retailer and request apna city.

How to Active Zong Apna Shehr Punjab Offer

  • Package Details: 6GB Internet 150 Minutes for all networks
  • Package Price: Rs 230
  • Eligibility: Zong Apna Shehr Punjab Package is expanded to entire central Region.
  • How to Active: dial *2222# From your zong sim.
  • Validity: Weekly
Zong apna Shehr Punjab offer
Rs. 230
1000 minutes for all networks +
6GB internet data 
7 Days
Dial *2222#

Zong mahana punjab offer

Zong introduces Mahana Punjab Package with large quantities Call Minutes and SMS and internet data at affordable Rates. Now zong Prepaid customers can enjoy more calling minutes, SMS and high speed Internet data.

How to Active Zong shandaar mahana Punjab offer Package?

  • Package Information: Zong to Zong 1000 Minutes + Other Network 100 Minutes + 1000 Internet data + 1000SMS for All Networks.
  • Package Charges: Rs 300+Tax
  • How to Subscribe Zong Mahana Punjab Offer: Dial *1000# or visit the your nearest Zong  or send “sub Mahana” to 7091.
  • Validity: Monthly
  • Check Remaining MB Minutes and SMS: Dial *102# or install My Zong Application.
Zong Mahana Punjab offer
Rs. 300 + tax
1000 Zong to Zong Minutes and Other Networks  minutes 100 +
1GB internet data + 1000 SMS
30 Days
Dial *1000#

How to Unsubscribe Zong shandaar mahana Punjab offer

  • If you want to unsubscribe Zong Mahana Punjab Offer Simple Open Messages and Write new SMS Type“unsub Mahana” send it to 7091.
Terms and conditions
  • Terms and conditions Zong Telecom company will be applied on above  bundle.
  • Zong telecom Company can change these USSD codes and tax charges amount any time.
  • The first student bundle for membership in parallel means of the proposal, mehrn offers and circle fnf and weekly hybrid shall be used except Punjab.
Conclusion In this article we are given you best information about Latest Zong mahana punjab  Package. Please share this New Zong mahana punjab offer information with your family, friends and their loved one through Facebook, Whattsapp, Twitted and Instagram so that they can be entertained these services. If you have any problem  or more details about this Package then comment in below.

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